[MISSION END] Over Drinks
by Captain Luka Mahone & Oliver Stone
MD 14: 2028 Hrs |
Captain's Cabin, Starfleet Residential |
Furry Culprit
by Captain Luka Mahone & Lieutenant Commander Sofia Nikedoros & Lieutenant Theodore Winslow & Lieutenant JG Lillian James & Lieutenant Gunnar Arnason
MD10 0500 |
Science Lab |
Staffing the Room Pt. 2
by Cornelius Warner MS
Afternoon Following "Staffing the Room Pt. 1" |
Silver Tongue Brewing |
Security workings
by Lieutenant JG Lillian James & Lieutenant Theodore Winslow
MD 05 : 1600 Hrs. |
Security complex |
The Evidence is What?
by Lieutenant Commander Sofia Nikedoros & Captain Luka Mahone & Lieutenant Theodore Winslow & Lieutenant JG Lillian James & Graham
MD10 0400 |
Haumea, Science Lab |
The Confidant (part 2)
by Captain Luka Mahone & Lieutenant Sera Williams
MD 01 : 1130 Hrs |
Conference room, Command Center |
Not the Children! [Part 1]
by Seshi Macae & Lieutenant Theodore Winslow
MD 04 - 1420 Hrs |
Security Offices, Command Center |
We Meet Again
by Lieutenant JG Lillian James & Captain Luka Mahone & Ensign Davna
MD 05 : 1500 Hrs. |
Haumea Colony Command Post |
To Tell the People
by Captain Luka Mahone & Ensign Davna & Diane Kent
MD 02 : 0123 Hrs |
CO's Office, Command Center |
Cold Revelations
by Aarav Macae & Alex Flynn
MD 04 :: -0129 Hrs |
Sumi Saloon |
Missing Pieces, Bigger Puzzles
by Lieutenant Theodore Winslow & Lieutenant Commander Sofia Nikedoros
MD10 03:25 |
Haumea Colony, Starfleet Housing |
A Little Kolari Maintenance
by Ensign Davna & Lieutenant Gunnar Arnason
MD 08 : 0920 Hrs |
Haumea Medical |
Calling in Reinforcements
by Captain Luka Mahone & Lieutenant JG Kikua Mahone
MD 03 1824 Hrs |
Engineering |
Breaking the Ice
by Lieutenant Gunnar Arnason & Lieutenant JG Lillian James
MD 05 : 1400 Hrs |
Haumea Colony Hospital |
New Arrivial
by Lieutenant JG Lillian James & Captain Luka Mahone & Lieutenant Gunnar Arnason
MD 05 : 1301 Hrs |
en Route to the Colony |
The Quick Tour
by Captain Luka Mahone & Lieutenant Commander Sofia Nikedoros & Lieutenant Gunnar Arnason
MD 04 1027 Hrs |
General Hospital |
Mystery of the Mystery Boom
by Captain Luka Mahone & Lieutenant Theodore Winslow & Petty Officer 3rd Class Marcus Grey Horse
MD -08 : 1520 Hrs |
USS Io Wreckage, Former Medical Bay |
The Plan (Meeting Time Pt. 1)
by Captain Luka Mahone & Lieutenant Commander Sofia Nikedoros & Lieutenant Theodore Winslow & Lieutenant Sera Williams & Lieutenant JG Shurlok & Oliver Stone & Diane Kent
MD 01 : 1120 Hrs |
Conference room, Command Center |
A Lack of Faith
by Captain Luka Mahone & Lieutenant Commander Sofia Nikedoros
MD -08 - 1330 Hrs |
Haumea Colony, Central Town Couryard |
Special Delivery
by Lieutenant Commander Sofia Nikedoros & Lieutenant Gunnar Arnason
MD01 1200 |
Haumea Colony |
Reaching Out
by Lieutenant Commander Sofia Nikedoros & Lieutenant Gunnar Arnason
MD -06 0800 |
Private Quarters, Federation Embassy on Dosad |
Keeping Watch
by Lieutenant Theodore Winslow & Lieutenant Commander Sofia Nikedoros
MD-10 2100 |
Chapel |
Shift in Responsibilities
by Captain Luka Mahone & Lieutenant Theodore Winslow & Lieutenant JG Shurlok
MD -10 - 1320 Hrs |
CO's Office, Command Center, Floor 7 |
Helping Those In Need
by Oliver Stone
MD -06, 0800 Hrs |
Oliver Stone Residence |
The First Cold
by Seshi Macae & Oliver Stone
MD -07, 2239 Hrs |
Sumi Saloon |