Haumea Colony

A Play-by-Nova roleplay game.

Deep Freeze

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

Six Months from the aftermath of the Io's destruction, Starfleet has established a small base of operations upon Haumea Colony. High tensions boil up as the denizens experience a sudden and extreme drop in temperatures and weather. The changes brings about more issues than originally anticipated, and it's up to those within the colony to band together and get down to the heart of the issue... before it becomes too late.

Start Date Wed Dec 31st, 1969 @ 3:00pm
End Date Sun Aug 4th, 2019 @ 8:15am

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
[MISSION END] Over Drinks
by Captain Luka Mahone & Oliver Stone
MD 14: 2028 Hrs Captain's Cabin, Starfleet Residential
Furry Culprit
by Captain Luka Mahone & Lieutenant Commander Sofia Nikedoros & Lieutenant Theodore Winslow & Lieutenant JG Lillian James & Lieutenant Gunnar Arnason
MD10 0500 Science Lab
Staffing the Room Pt. 2
by Cornelius Warner MS
Afternoon Following "Staffing the Room Pt. 1" Silver Tongue Brewing
Security workings
by Lieutenant JG Lillian James & Lieutenant Theodore Winslow
MD 05 : 1600 Hrs. Security complex
The Evidence is What?
by Lieutenant Commander Sofia Nikedoros & Captain Luka Mahone & Lieutenant Theodore Winslow & Lieutenant JG Lillian James & Graham
MD10 0400 Haumea, Science Lab
The Confidant (part 2)
by Captain Luka Mahone & Lieutenant Sera Williams
MD 01 : 1130 Hrs Conference room, Command Center
Not the Children! [Part 1]
by Seshi Macae & Lieutenant Theodore Winslow
MD 04 - 1420 Hrs Security Offices, Command Center
We Meet Again
by Lieutenant JG Lillian James & Captain Luka Mahone & Ensign Davna
MD 05 : 1500 Hrs. Haumea Colony Command Post
To Tell the People
by Captain Luka Mahone & Ensign Davna & Diane Kent
MD 02 : 0123 Hrs CO's Office, Command Center
Cold Revelations
by Aarav Macae & Alex Flynn
MD 04 :: -0129 Hrs Sumi Saloon
Missing Pieces, Bigger Puzzles
by Lieutenant Theodore Winslow & Lieutenant Commander Sofia Nikedoros
MD10 03:25 Haumea Colony, Starfleet Housing
A Little Kolari Maintenance
by Ensign Davna & Lieutenant Gunnar Arnason
MD 08 : 0920 Hrs Haumea Medical
Calling in Reinforcements
by Captain Luka Mahone & Lieutenant JG Kikua Mahone
MD 03 1824 Hrs Engineering
Breaking the Ice
by Lieutenant Gunnar Arnason & Lieutenant JG Lillian James
MD 05 : 1400 Hrs Haumea Colony Hospital
New Arrivial
by Lieutenant JG Lillian James & Captain Luka Mahone & Lieutenant Gunnar Arnason
MD 05 : 1301 Hrs en Route to the Colony
The Quick Tour
by Captain Luka Mahone & Lieutenant Commander Sofia Nikedoros & Lieutenant Gunnar Arnason
MD 04 1027 Hrs General Hospital
Mystery of the Mystery Boom
by Captain Luka Mahone & Lieutenant Theodore Winslow & Petty Officer 3rd Class Marcus Grey Horse
MD -08 : 1520 Hrs USS Io Wreckage, Former Medical Bay
The Plan (Meeting Time Pt. 1)
by Captain Luka Mahone & Lieutenant Commander Sofia Nikedoros & Lieutenant Theodore Winslow & Lieutenant Sera Williams & Lieutenant JG Shurlok & Oliver Stone & Diane Kent
MD 01 : 1120 Hrs Conference room, Command Center
A Lack of Faith
by Captain Luka Mahone & Lieutenant Commander Sofia Nikedoros
MD -08 - 1330 Hrs Haumea Colony, Central Town Couryard
Special Delivery
by Lieutenant Commander Sofia Nikedoros & Lieutenant Gunnar Arnason
MD01 1200 Haumea Colony
Reaching Out
by Lieutenant Commander Sofia Nikedoros & Lieutenant Gunnar Arnason
MD -06 0800 Private Quarters, Federation Embassy on Dosad
Keeping Watch
by Lieutenant Theodore Winslow & Lieutenant Commander Sofia Nikedoros
MD-10 2100 Chapel
Shift in Responsibilities
by Captain Luka Mahone & Lieutenant Theodore Winslow & Lieutenant JG Shurlok
MD -10 - 1320 Hrs CO's Office, Command Center, Floor 7
Helping Those In Need
by Oliver Stone
MD -06, 0800 Hrs Oliver Stone Residence
The First Cold
by Seshi Macae & Oliver Stone
MD -07, 2239 Hrs Sumi Saloon

Mission Summary

Mission Days: 14 [TBD]
Location: Haumea Colony, Various

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