Haumea Colony

A Play-by-Nova roleplay game.


  • 9 Mission Posts

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Fri Apr 3rd, 2020 @ 11:11am

Oliver Stone

Name Oliver Stone

Position Civilian Director

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 50

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 190 Lbs
Hair Color Salt & Pepper
Eye Color Hazel


Spouse Ex-Wife – Captain Skye Marshall (56), Commanding Officer – USS Geronimo
Children Danielle Stone (22), Medical Student
Ben Stone (19), Cadet – Starfleet Academy
Luna Stone (17), High School Student
Father Richard Stone (79), Retired Engineer
Mother Melissa Stone (83), Retired Colony Planner
Brother(s) Bill Stone (53), Author
Sister(s) Amelia Fantano (46), Professor of Sociology

Personality & Traits

Personal History Oliver had a straightforward upbringing as far as they go. His mother was training at the time to take over colony operations for a new world the Federation was planning on setting up home on. Luckily her training took place on Earth and thus he was born in Seattle, Washington. 6 months later they resettled on the new colony of Florence on the M class planet named Nightingale.

The family flourished as his mother ran the colony like well oiled machine, his father was very useful with his engineering background assisted in the raising of buildings and other facilities.

The idea was drilled into him, albeit subconsciously, that pushing boundaries and exploring new worlds didn’t have to be something that Starfleet did, civilians could do it too. He did listen but wanted some action in his life too. In his teenage years he went back to Earth and stayed with his aunt and uncle. His desire was to join Starfleet himself and go down the engineering route like his father. In 2362 he joined and the next four years were filled with the knowledge that would stand him in good stead in later life, although he didn’t know that at the time.

During his final year at the Academy he met his now ex wife, Skye Marshall, and they felt the instant attraction between them, one that flourished over many years together and with luck they served on the same ship out of the Academy. Oliver also wrote a paper on the Intricacies of Warp Travel for Large Journeys and the Effects on Warp Power on Subspace. This gained him a Lt. JG rank upon completion of the Academy.

The USS Wilde was their first posting. Oliver was posted as an Engineering Officer and Skye as a Science Officer. Soon they realised the enormousness of what they had been granted, the Battle of Wolf 359 was their first ever engagement together and was one they will never forget. Still new to the ship they lost a lot of people they were just getting to know as the Borg tried to rip through their ship like sandpaper. Some smart work with the shields left them alive as they survived the ordeal but it is still something Oliver thinks about every so often.

He assisted with the Wilde’s repairs and helped the crew get over the ordeal that for some was the realisation they had lost more than just pieces of equipment but friends along the way.

In 2369, after 3 years Skye and Oliver got married and 3 children came from that marriage. Two daughters and a son.

Over the years he spent time on the USS T’Pol, USS Oasis and USS Kirk.
Years of red tape, taking orders and not being allowed the free reign he felt he needed left Oliver feeling dejected and he resigned from Starfleet in 2385 at the rank of Commander and Chief Engineer of the Kirk.

This also coincided with the divorce from his wife Skye, the split was amicable as they had drifted apart through different postings and life had led them down different paths.

As he left Starfleet he took a course on how to manage colonial affairs and began his work pioneering new worlds much like his mother had done albeit much later in life.

He achieved the position of Director of Colonial Affairs on a newest colony near Vulcan where he spent the previous 10 years building it to be a self sustainable world before handing it down to his most experienced council member James Bradley.

Oliver has now taken a new challenge at Haumea Colony where a Starfleet presence also resides.
Service Record 2362 -> 2366: Cadet, Engineering Cadet – Starfleet Academy

2366 -> 2372: Engineering Officer – Lt. Junior Grade, USS Wilde

2372 -> 2376: Assistant Chief Engineer – Lieutenant (in 2374), USS T’Pol

2376 -> 2379: Chief Engineer – Lt. Commander (in 2377), USS Oasis

2379 -> 2385: Chief Engineer/Second Officer – Commander (in 2381), USS Kirk

2385: Retired from Starfleet

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