Haumea Colony

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  • 46 Mission Posts

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Wed Jan 22nd, 2025 @ 2:57pm

Lieutenant Commander Sofia Nikedoros

Name Sofia Theresa Nikedoros

Position Chief Counselor

Second Position Chaplain

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human (by legal standard, her ancestry includes 1/16 Pollux Entity)
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Height 1.71m (5'7")
Weight 58kg (128 lbs)
Hair Color dark blonde
Eye Color gray
Physical Description Slim with a mass of dark gold curls that sometimes give the impression of a slightly tarnished halo, not classically beautiful (unless you mean by ancient Classical standards), but with striking features. Although her manner is usually unassuming, she has a definite presence.


Father Ariston Nikedoros
Mother Leonora Nikedoros (deceased)
Brother(s) Phillip
Sister(s) Phoebe
Other Family step-mother: Elena

Personality & Traits

General Overview Warm and naturally curious, with the open attitude of a seeker. However, she is not afraid to stand up to anyone and can be very protective of those who seem to be down and out. Endlessly curious about the diversity of paths different people take to the Divine, but given her family history, takes the claims about various deities with a grain of salt. She often gives the impression of beig quietly amused by life in general, but she does wrestle with the big questions especially after the pain and cruelty she has seen sentient beings inflict on one another.
While just human in most ways, Sophia will age more slowly than most humans and has a psi rating in the upper range of human normal. This includes occasional flashes of precognition or just a 'sixth sense' about something.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Caring, empathic
+ Generally calm and centered
- Good at giving care, but poor at asking for or accepting it from others
- Can be very stubborn when she feels strongly about something
Ambitions To seek and serve the Divine in the universe and in others.
Hobbies & Interests Reading, history, archaeology, music (she has a lovely voice and is an accomplished guitarist and violinist), meditation

Major Area of Study: Religious Studies/Counseling
Minor Area of Study: Anthropology & Archaeology

Personal History Born in Toronto, Sofia has almost no memory of her mother, who died in transporter accident when she was 4. Her father was a gifted composer and concert pianist, which lead to great deal of travel once she was old enough to go with him on tours. When she was 12 her father finally remarried, resulting in twin half-siblings: Phillip and Phoebe.

The unique aspect of her history is that she is the gr-gr-granddaughter of Caroline Palamas and what the Federation officially classifies as the 'Pollux Entity' - a being who was once worshiped on ancient earth as Apollo, god of light, music, healing and prophecy. Although Sophia shows only minor traces of that heritage (a fact certified by the Federation Research Council which has carefully tracked and tested all of the descendants of that incident), developing an early interest in mythology and religion was natural. However, unlike the majority of her distant cousins, Sophia never became cynical about the concept of deities. If anything, as she grew older she grew more spiritual and more certain that there was a Divine. The search to understand lead to Union Seminary where she was ordained as an interfaith minister.

Sofia quickly learned that preaching was not her thing and moved on to a hospital chaplaincy. But following the devastating losses in the wake of the Borg resurgence she saw an article about a need for more chaplains in Starfleet and felt a calling (or perhaps one of those fluke instances of precognition that comes with her Pollux genes) to answer that need.

Initially assigned to Starfleet Medical in San Francisco, she served in the facility treating those recovered from the Borg and while there completed Starfleet training and her certification for Counseling. She was then assigned to the USS Albert Schweitzer, a medical and relief vessel, and later to Starbase 343, where her experience proved valuable in caring for refugees and casualties following renew Klingon aggression after the Hobus supernova.

After a degree of peace was established, she was given a theoretically quieter posting, which she accepted in lieu of a sabbatical because it would allow her purse her other interests in anthropology & archaeology. Outpost 112 was a small Starfleet facility serving (and guarding) an archaeological expedition on a world near the Talarian border. However, tensions with the local population and the presence of an artifact that wound up drawing more than scientific interest from a number of quarters often made the posting somewhat less peaceful than expected.

Though she developed some close friendships with comrades on OP112, unused to settling in one place for long, she recently listened to that strange sense of calling and requested a new posting to 'wherever most needed'.
Service Record 2382 - assigned to Starfleet Medical on earth while completing required training
2384 - Chaplain and counseling staff, USS USS Albert Schweitzer
2388 - Hospital Chaplain, Starbase 343
2391 - Chaplain and Counselor, Outpost 112
2395 - Chaplain and Counselor, Haumea Colony

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