Haumea Colony

A Play-by-Nova roleplay game.

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Not the Children! [Part 1]

Posted on Wed Jun 12th, 2019 @ 8:51am by Seshi Macae & Lieutenant Theodore Winslow

673 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Deep Freeze
Location: Security Offices, Command Center
Timeline: MD 04 - 1420 Hrs

If the door to the security offices could slam open, they would have with a slam and extreme force. As soon as it gently slid open, councilwoman Seshi Macae came storming in, not that anyone would have known it with how many layers she was clad in, save for the anger in her eyes that could be seen peeking through a giant, fluffy hat and an equally lavish scarf.

"Let me speak with Lieutenant Winslow," demanded the woman of the nearest security officer. "You let me see him right now because I cannot stand another second of this madness!"

Theodore heard the councilwoman before she even got through the door and let out a big sigh. It had to be her of all people that was going to stop him getting some lunch on time he just knew it. "Councilwoman?" He asked leaning around the corner before the crewman she had grabbed could even answer.

"There you are." Seshi closed the distance between the two of them, before shoving a PaDD into his hands. "Most of the civilian businesses are missing a large number of rather important parts that are being utilized for heating. Our security teams have done absolutely nothing because everyone is much too paranoid. I need someone who can just go in and determine who is taking what. I will not have anyone turn against each other while we are all trying to survive."

Theodore raised an eyebrow and took the PaDD. "When did this start?" The man wondered indicated the chair in the room. It was a meeting room but he used it as it was bigger than his officer that he was sure in the original specs was a cleaning cupboard for the cleaning bots.

"Days ago, Lieutenant." Seshi took a seat in the offered chair, distracted by her own annoyance. "But even a day is too long when there are lives on the line, especially those in the preschool full of Federation children. I have them huddled in the Saloon. That is absolutely no place for children, but the Saloon is one of the last buildings left with full power... Most of the time."

"You have spoken to the Commander right?" The man checked. It wasn't unusual to have the woman in his office complaining about this or that but he would have expected her to go to him first.

Seshi frowned. "Of course not. Between the illness that's welling up and whatever else we have going on, he's a busy person. I'm not going to put the weight of all of the world on his shoulders."

The man shrugged. Wasn't that the point of a Commanding Officer? They had the weight of the world on those shoulders. "Okay. So what exactly are you wanting from me right this second?" He said politely. He knew he came across as a little abrupt but he needed to know what the woman wanted him to do first so he fixed the situation instead of making it worse.

"Investigate the cause," Seshi responded bluntly. "Things don't simply stop working. They malfunction many times before they stop working. I know what that means, that means something is missing." She was insistent. "And the civilian security teams are not taking this seriously. I need someone who can before people die."

Theo nodded. While that was obvious the man wasn't going to annoy the woman anymore. He didn't need a reprimand on his file in the first month. "Can you show me the latest incident?" The man wondered already moving to get his jacket and gloves.

"I can. The preschool is without power entirely." Seshi stood up, clearly ready to make her way over and point every little detail out to him. "The schoolchildren were rather patient, but I think one of them saw something."

The man nodded though he hated interviewing children he was rather good at it, better than adults at points which always surprised people. "Lead the way then Ma'am lets see if we can make some sense of them."


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