Haumea Colony

A Play-by-Nova roleplay game.

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Cold Revelations

Posted on Sat Jun 1st, 2019 @ 8:56am by Aarav Macae & Alex Flynn

356 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Deep Freeze
Location: Sumi Saloon
Timeline: MD 04 :: -0129 Hrs

"Last call!"

The night drew later than usual, potentially due to the stress many of the denizens felt for the lack of heat on the colony. Aarav had not been on planet long, but from this was abnormal, from what he had come to understand of it. But the bargoers would still be shooed to their homes, more out of safety for his own employees than the desire to keep serving beverages.

"Flynn!" he called to the back, where he knew the young woman had gone for other means of work. "You see that flicker? What do you think, should we check out back or just ring up the engineers this time?"

"Probably best to take a look before we call anyone in." Alex said, taking a tray of glasses out of the steriliser. "If something's crawled into the relay box again they're just going to laugh at us. And take our future requests less seriously, probably."

"Bah." It was clear Aarav did not like this option, but common sense won out in the end. "Just because one of the children brought their gerbils doesn't mean they're all going to be false alarms like that." He pulled the jacket off of the coat hanger he had set up near the bar for employees. As he did, the flicker persisted, until the lights cut off. "... Tch." Fumbling around for gloves and a flashlight, he called right back again. "We don't have those sub-deuterium doomagigs for the lights, do we?"

“Somebody mentioned a sub-deuterium.. something.” Alex said with confidence that wasn’t entirely genuine. “As to the location of said something... I have no idea.” She said, lighting her zippo for some relief against the darkness and moving towards the sound of his voice.

As Alex wandered into the front area, Aarav shook the flashlight he had found, as if that was going to make it work. "Newfangled thingiamajigs. Everything was fueled by fire back at home. Ah." He switched the device on, cringing as it shone a bright light into his eye. "Deuterium nonsense. Let's go, Flynn and get to the bottom of this."



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