Located on the surface of an uninhabited planet known as Xaeprea, deep within Beta Quadrant, Haumea Colony holds many wonders for the budding scientist, the intrepid diplomat, and the wandering adventurer. As a joint venture between Starfleet and the Federation's many civilians, there is a bounty of opportunities for those who wish for a change of pace and a chance to take a piece of what could be a brand new lifestyle!
Haumea Colony is a Star Trek roleplaying simulation set in the year 2397, and is a member of Obsidian Fleet. Here, we try something a little different; player involvement not only through simulation play, but also through overall plot input. On Haumea, we strive to give players a chance to actually help mold the storyline, working together with the Staff so that everyone is having a good time!
Posted on Sun Apr 4th, 2021 @ 5:48am by Captain Luka Mahone in General News
Hello! This one should be relatively short!
We did so great last month with our numbers! There were a lot of words and we reached over 20 posts! That's a LOT for six people! Like, a lot a lot! I'm super proud, and I'm especially proud of our mission briefing post, which should be thrown up for Post spotlight... once I remember to do that!
Let's keep trucking!
Before I let it go too much longer, we're losing long time member Becca for a variety of reasons. It's sad to see her go, but if she ever wants to return,…
Posted on Thu Feb 25th, 2021 @ 1:13pm by Captain Luka Mahone in General News
Good after-morning!
It's been quite a whirlwind of the past two months hasn't it? With all of us getting the lead out post-holiday season, I'm sure we're all raring to write in some form or another. I know I sure am!
While this update comes a bit late, I want you all to know that I've been real happy with how we're trucking along. Hopefully come March I can pull the lead out of my other shoe, but there's a snag I've hit in the form of a bad laptop battery that might put me out of commission for a…
Posted on Mon Nov 2nd, 2020 @ 4:28am by Captain Luka Mahone in Sim Announcement
Hello all! Below is our Obsidian Fleet Monthly Report, if you'd like to take a gander:
We did pretty well, and thank you to all who pushed through posts and helped out to make sure we were in good standing and to help us shuffle through Equivalent Exchange! Great haul!
Now, onto the news for our coming month:
1. So, as expected, I'd like to end Equivalent Exchange's open posts ... post-haste! Anything that is just started or has been stalled because of elections, busy lives, etc, can easily be dumped over to Frizzle or…
Posted on Fri Sep 25th, 2020 @ 7:56am by Captain Luka Mahone in Sim Announcement
Good eves to October, everyone!
With the end of our year upon us, I want to take a moment pause to inform everyone that this simulation has been running for the better portion of two years now, and I could not be more pleased with that information. Yeah, there have been plenty of snags, but we're still here! Go team us, and here's to another whole year of Haumea!
This all being said, September and October are going to be super busy for us here as we move onward. I am going to need everyone's help to bounce us from…
Posted on Tue Sep 8th, 2020 @ 8:07am by Captain Luka Mahone in General News
Hello hello! Apologies for the late as heck update, but here we go!
- First off, our monthly report is in as usual and we're doing fine (we'd know if we weren't!) Link is below for those who haven't already taken a look.
- Once more, welcome to our newest members who joined in August. We're happy to have you, and you're more than welcome to start up as many posts as you'd like with whomever you'd like. Don't be shy!
- For something a little less positive, I'm coming around to some of you for activity checks. I've…
Mission: Terrorpin
Posted on Wed Feb 26th, 2025 @ 10:12am by Captain Min Seong
It was a sunny afternoon on the colony. On the advice of those around her, Min had made a point of touring the whole colony area on her own. No one seemed to notice her, or if they did, no one wanted to say hello. She was sure she received weird, wary looks from people who had no clue who she was. Aside from the stand that sold various street foods, she made a point of not talking to anyone else either.
But it was with a bag of various street foods she had never tried before that she returned…
Mission: What Lies Ahead, Between, and Behind
Posted on Wed Feb 26th, 2025 @ 9:28am by Aarav Macae & Lieutenant Kyan Mackenzie & Shea Voran II & Skili VaTemishon
"That may happen sooner than we'd like," Aarav commented, grumpiness showing through his typically jovial expression. Before he could shout at the party to knock it off, another pair of farmhands had stomped their way over to throw hands. The first grabbed at the Ferengi on the back of his farm friend, while the other looked ready to tackle down Kyan. The uncannily matching music in the background seemed to start a commotion, as people began to crowd around to watch four farmers start to either bully or be bullied by an Only and his Ferengi friends.
Skili moved to…
Mission: Terrorpin
Posted on Thu Jan 30th, 2025 @ 7:21pm by Captain Min Seong & Cornelius Warner MS & Lieutenant Gunnar Arnason
"I highly appreciate you agreeing to meet me all the way over here." Min had little time to be social with the crew as of late. Between Sandwich and the Lee-zurians, the paperwork that had piled up, and the colony's continued issues with their civilian leadership, Min was ... Busy would be an understatement. But when she did find the time, she distinctly remembered a recommendation The Silver Tongue that sounded appealing. The issue to that being - she did not want to go alone. Luckily, she had an excuse in checking in on Lieutenant Arnason. He had been acting…
Mission: Terrorpin
Posted on Mon Jan 27th, 2025 @ 1:04pm by Lieutenant Colonel Shaun Bradley
The Archer troop transport was an incredibly dated piece of Starfleet Marine Corps technology. It was, as best, a box with seats and a cockpit, with the centre of the box being able to open downwards to deploy Marines. They had been used for nearly a hundred years in the same manner, and were regarded about as poorly as something so rudimentarily designed could be. There was little surprise to any of them then, than the Marine nickname for these had been "coffins" as long as Shaun could remember. Seated in the jump seats were a few Marine pilots, their…
Mission: What Lies Ahead, Between, and Behind
Posted on Wed Jan 22nd, 2025 @ 2:57pm by Lieutenant Commander Sofia Nikedoros & Lieutenant Gunnar Arnason
As a Chaplain, Nikedoros avoided engaging in gossip, but as a Counselor, she'd be remiss to completely ignore it. So, having checked everywhere else, she left the lift and turned up the short flight of stairs leading to the roof. Sure enough the bit of light she'd caught as she walked to the building was the glow of a fire pit, one placed up here in anticipation of social gatherings in much warmer weather. The cold however seemed to be no deterrent for the single figure sprawled in a patio chair, one boot propped on the concrete border containing the…
Posted on Wed Dec 18th, 2024 @ 7:43pm by Lieutenant JG Elyssa Kala'myr
Explosions shook the entire room as the young girl looked across at her playmate. Who was out there? What did they want? The grown-ups had told them nothing but she could hear them shouting to each other from the small library aboard their expeditionary vessel. The ship was landed on the side of a mountain and they had remained undisturbed for three weeks whilst the group collected readings from the binary stars of this system.
“Think it's the jem'hadar?” The boy asked nervously.
This place had been one of their outposts in the quadrant during the war but they hadn't…
Posted on Fri Jul 26th, 2024 @ 4:42am by Lieutenant Nai Tavik
The cargo transport was a small, utilitarian vessel, designed for function over comfort. The interior was dimly lit, with a low, constant hum of the engines reverberating through the metal walls. Crates and containers, stacked in neat rows, filled the cargo hold. Each one was secured with heavy-duty straps, ensuring they remained in place during transit. The air was cool and carried a faint scent of machinery and metallic tang.
The crew quarters were minimal—just a narrow bunk, a small workstation, and a storage locker. The quarters were enough for rest but offered little in the way of comfort. The…
Posted on Mon Jul 1st, 2024 @ 1:56pm by Lieutenant Scott Jones
Scott Jones, Personal Log
As a small runabout streaks its way across the stars, the familiar pinpricks of starlight streaking across the window, Scott Jones, once a fighter pilot now turned Strategic Operations Officer, staring out of said window was contemplating his life, the decisions he made leading him up to this point and what lay ahead.
' I used to be able to reach out and touch those stars almost, he began to think ' like an exposed nerve, the freedom to point in a direction and go. It was at that moment the joy was replaced with the…
Posted on Thu Oct 12th, 2023 @ 8:28am by Lieutenant Kyan Mackenzie
Personal Log, Lieutenant Kyan Mackenzie
Well computer, it's off tae somewhere called Haumea Colony for me. I dunno what they need with a tactical officer on a colony... but I'll find out. The bloated gas bag what parades around calling himself an Admiral has seen fit tae put me there, even though I was after going tae Deep space Six, which is where Sirol an Xasik went.
"We don't always get to go where we want to go Mister Mackenzie." He told me... as if his own arse wasn't parked in front of a food replicator whenever he wanted a…
Posted on Mon Jan 13th, 2020 @ 7:07am by
Begin Recording
well another day has passed and still hauling cargo to the outlaying developments. It seams everyone, specially the …
ike if wez are the bad guys? But then I can understand that. In mez youth, Iz was a bit rebellious against the designated authority.
… ooo way it should've been turn down. Iz get in 12-16 hours per 24 hrs with flying fleet shuttles at the whim of the Colonist.
… …
Shoot that idiot who thought Iz was a giant rodent and sic'ing his canine beast at mez! Iz gonna hear about that when that…