Haumea Colony

A Play-by-Nova roleplay game.

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The Truth of the Matter

Posted on Sat May 20th, 2023 @ 9:54am by Lieutenant Helena Issacks & Ensign Davna & Lieutenant Commander Sofia Nikedoros & Lieutenant Alan Harrison & Lieutenant Colonel Shaun Bradley & Lieutenant Gunnar Arnason

1,553 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Pressure
Location: Command Meeting Room
Timeline: MD01 0900HRS

Shaun's foot impatiently beat against the floor as he stood at the head of the room, overlooking the city below. He watched as people wandered around below him, going on about their day. By this point he was sure the rumours were starting to spread, and he needed to get a handle on what was happening, especially if he was going to be temporarily leading the people here. He'd made the call, a simple reach out to the command team present, as well as anyone with more information. A quick meeting, get everyone on the same page and distribute details as was needed.

Everything was running like it was supposed to in a situation like this. Everyone was doing exactly like it was supposed to. Except you, he mentally chidded himself. He wasn't a Starfleet commander, he was a Marine, and wanted nothing more than to be in his base watching over things from a distance. If not that then to be in a fighter, actually helping, not playing bureaucrat.

Alan had been wrangling another one of the lingering power grid issues left over from the recent emergency shutdown of the illicit holoemitter when he was summoned along with the rest of the senior staff. Kikua and the Chief had managed to not severely damage the colony's grid in his absence, so he figured they could be trusted to handle the repairs while he went to the meeting. He found it interesting that the Colonel instead of the Captain had made the call, but he pushed that thought aside as he stepped out into the morning air and started the walk to the command center.

Sofia entered with Gunnar, who had already filled her in as he'd figured the news would spread soon enough and the Counselor should be prepared. It had been a good call in her opinion, not only in terms of being prepared for when the news hit - it had been evident just from the tone of his voice when comm'ed while searching for Luka's pets that the incident had hit him hard. The two men had become good friends, but more, Gunnar had been abducted after being severely wounded. (In fact, given the blood tail from a gut wound, there had been some speculation that he should have been classed KIA rather than MIA). It didn't take Counselor training to know this had to have brought up those memories, so reaching out was good sign, even if he'd done it under the excuse of a 'heads up'.

Behind Sofia was Davna, quick to appear if only due to the need for information. Formal as this may have been, the Orion yeoman stepped into the room with her hair in a bun and her uniform jacket off, with clear signs that she had been outside, rooting around for something or another.

Helena was last to enter. "And don't you come back till you've got some more information!" came the order to a pair of officers just outside the conference room door. The duo righted themselves to full attention with their affirmations before dashing off to perform their task. She took one last look before striding in and sitting down, arms crossed with a determined expression.

With everyone present, Shaun placed a PaDD down on the table, and keyed a command. A series of holographic projections of the various scenes of the investigation appeared. "As some in this room are already aware, Captain Luka Mahone has gone missing. At approximately oh-five-thirty this morning Ensign Davna discovered the sorry state of the Captain's private cabin and initiated an investigation. At oh-seven-thirty the Marines of Camp Vimy initiated Protocol Six - a Marine contingent for the kidnapping of a Starfleet Captain. While at this point we do not know for sure it was a kidnapping, it has not been ruled out, and we are treating it as such." He pushed a button and various snippets of data were pushed to the PaDDs on the table.

"At this time we don't know much. Signs of blood and a fight have been found, the Captain's office had been ransacked, and there is absolutely no sign of the Captain leaving the planet on a planned transport." He paused, and looked around at the various faces. "I'll turn things over to Lieutenant Gunnar in a second, but first I'll give what we have going on right now. For the time being I have assumed command of the Starfleet detachment here at Haumea. The USS Alloutte is three days out, at which point they will lend a hand where they can. I'll take questions shortly, but Mister Gunnar, if you would?"

A blonde eyebrow had edged up a little, torn between the serious subject and a certain amusement at 'Mister Gunnar'. He didn't necessarily object - his last name wasn't so much a surname as a very short lineage - but he had to wonder if he'd spent so much time with the local Romulans that it was assumed he went primarily by his first name alone. However, it was irrelevant to the issue at hand. "Yes, Colonel. I had responded to an emergency call and entered the Captain's residence with Ensign Davna. We saw ...obvious signs of struggle. Including a considerable amount of blood. Some was the Captain's, but there were traces my tricorder couldn't identify." He paused looking around the room. To him the implications of that were obvious, but perhaps not to others. "Which is quite unusual. Starfleet medical tricorders can generally identify DNA from any Federation species. Therefore, samples were taken and have been submitted to the science department for analysis. We are awaiting results."

"The forensics team was having similar issues," Helena piped up. "There doesn't look to be signs of anything major taken either. Nothing was damaged, save for a spot in the garden in the backyard. We didn't think much of it - looked like one of the dogs might have gotten into it, but considering it was an isolated spot instead of the whole garden..." She trailed off, frowning. "Only thing is I have no idea what's in there."

"Make identifying the blood samples a top priority. Rear Admiral Minawara is aware, so if you need Esquimalt is standing by to assist with any tasks you have. Make full use of that," The Marine said to Lieutenant Arnason he mentally chidded himself for the late caught mistake. He would need to spend more time getting to know members of the staff here. "Lieutenant Issacks, pull whatever resources you need to catalogue the house and get a list to Ensign Davna. She'll know if anything obvious is missing I am sure. You have a gaggle of Marines wearing heavy combat gear that would be happy for an excuse to move around. Use them." His eyes turned to the other yellow uniform present. "Lieutenant Harrison, I know your teams are likely still dealing with the power issues from shorly ago. Could I get you to push a team to pull all the sensor logs? I need records of anything that came within transporter range of this planet."

"The lab knows the blood samples are top priority, sir," Arnason replied with a nod. "But I will contact Esquimalt if a consult is necessary."

Noting the Bradley's apparent stress level, Sofia felt for him. She knew better than to offer counseling to a marine in this position, but she could offer help. "If you need a liaison beyond Ensign Davna on the Starfleet personnel side, it is my job to know everyone. As Chaplain I've also gotten to know many of civilians as well."

"That would be an immense load off my shoulders," Shaun said, a weak smile. "I may ask for your assistance in making the new more palatable than... well me delivering it," he added. "Thank you."

"Consider it done," Helena stated. "Might need some help going after those animals. I heard a couple of my guys gossiping about the dogs. They're the big ones, right?"

"Large breed, yes," Gunnar confirmed, but hastened to add, "but their apparently size is half fur and they're quite friendly. I know them both well. I'd started trying to find them after we discovered them missing and I'll be glad to accompany the search party."

Alan nodded at his instructions, "I'll need authorization to access the sensor logs for the captain's quarters, just in case something was recorded that would normally be above my clearance. Normally the Captain would have to approve this directly, but I presume you can provide that now, Colonel?"

"If I can't I will find out how to," Shaun replied. "There is a slow transition in these things, so it may take some time, but I'll get it to you Mister Harrison."

"I don't have anything else to keep any of you here. You're all competent officers, and if Captain Mahone had faith in your abilities, then so do I. If you need anything I'll be available by comms, getting things sorted. This won't be easy, but if we can try and contain as much of this until after we have informed the civilians, I would appreciate it. You're all dismissed," Bradley concluded with.


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