Haumea Colony

A Play-by-Nova roleplay game.

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Lunch and Pleasantries

Posted on Wed Jun 3rd, 2020 @ 3:14pm by Lieutenant Colonel Shaun Bradley & Lieutenant JG Lillian James

1,553 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Equivalent Exchange
Location: Silver Tongue Brewing
Timeline: MD 2 - 1230HRS

Ten years ago, and Shaun would have spent every night in this bar. Five and he would have sung songs and cheered from the heavens. Now, sitting down on his stool at a table, he watched the traffic of the room and thought to himself "I am getting old." He'd asked the Lieutenant in charge of the investigation, second to Mr. Winslow, to meet him at the bar for a bit of lunch and to exchange notes. He'd be lying if he also wasn't partially inclined to meet the young woman to get a better feeling of how conclusions had been drawn.

So, comfortable in his flight suit, the Marine offered a warm smile as a pint of the local brew was placed in front of him, and he took a cautious sip, waiting for his guest to arrive.

Lillian was running a few minutes late for her meeting with a Lt. Colonel Bradley, she rushed to the bar, but before she entered she looked to see who was in there. It seemed that it was mainly the normal people this time of day. Entering the bar she watched people who watched her come in, since she was here for a meeting, she found a spot in the corner of the bar with a table. Sitting down with her back to the wall so she could see who came in and who left.

There were too many people coming to the Colony daily for her to keep up with the arrivals and she didn't like it. Her watchful gaze turn to those sitting at the bar, she recognized the flight suit as military. She had to wonder why he was here and what he wanted.

Having watched the rushed appearance of the young Lieutenant, his eyes had traced here, but he turned back to his beer for a moment. Taking a slow sip, he nodded to his waitress, who offered him a warm smile and a nod. Standing from his stool, he moved across the room and came to rest at the table itself. "Lieutenant James?" he asked. He knew the answer, he'd checked his kneeboard before she'd arrived. Not waiting for an answer he placed his beer on the table and sat down. "Thank you for meeting with me," he added.

She watched as he sat down, "Lt. Colonel Bradley I assume," she replied. She waited for him to get comfortable in his chair before she continued, "I received your request to meet you here, care to tell me why you wanted to me with me?"

Smiling as he settled into his seat, he replied with typical flyboy humour. "I needed a lunch companion and one of the most busy people on the colony seemed like a good choice," came the reply from the Marine. Smiling at his own joke, he rested his hands on his lap and carried on with "But, in all seriousness, I was hoping to get to know the person handling the investigation into Lieutenant Winslow." No point beating around the bush it seemed, and no room for small talk, the pilot could definitely appreciate that. "Admiral Matthews has an interest in the case, and as someone working close with him, I have taken one as well."

Chuckling at his joke, "are you sure that you don't want some one more busier than me? I'm sure that the Captain could be persuaded to join you." Leaning forward in her chair, Lillian put her arms on the table, "Admiral Matthews? What is his interest in this case?" She had to find out if she missed a connection. "As for getting to know me what do you want to know?"

"Admiral Matthews is interested in any case where a colony is concerned," replied the Colonel with a shrug. "Especially when one of the variables is a Starfleet vessel blowing up in orbit. Which I will admit, concerns me as well." Taking a sip of his drink the Marine nodded towards his companion. "As for you there is tons I would like to know, you're in charge of the investigation, so I am curious your train of thought. I like to understand the people in a case. I've hunted pirates, terrorists and all manner of ne'er-do-well. So when it comes to events like this, research is key." The man's blue eyes Fleet Officer's hazel ones. "Also, I don't believe in deception and lies, so I'll start with some truths about me. I was a former special operations pilot, after which I was assigned to Falkirk as a Wing Commander. I'm also a telepath, not that I peek into people's heads, but learning after the fact will always cause some issues." Another sip of his beer, which he leaned towards Lilian. "Your turn."

"Good thing you started with that, had I found out later that you neglected to tell me that, displeased would have been an understatement. I get the feeling that you have looked at my record before you arrived here, so ask your questions and I will answer them, however as for my thoughts on the on-going investigation will have to wait until a more proper venue and I've seen your credentials. Besides, I'm no longer in charge of the investigation. Lt. Cabid from Intelligence has taken over. I'm surprised that you didn't know about that seeing as how your both are here and working for Admiral Matthews." Lillian said, anger still evident in her voice.

"I am... aware, of Lieutenant Cabid's taking over of the handling of affairs. I am also aware that he is talking to the Admiral, that said, I have not been made privy to his findings directly." The Colonel smiled again, this time it fell short of his eyes. "As for your file, no more than a cursory glance. Information from Starfleet is easy enough to acquire, but when it comes to reading between the lines and finding truth, it's all up to those who wrote the report." With a half hearted shrug, he moved on from the subject. Detaching his commbadge from his chest, where it nestled into the flight suite and placed it across the table in front of the Lieutenant. "I have nothing to hide, short of a desire for honesty and a decent discussion. Maybe if we're lucky, even some trust between us. I feel like you don't believe it was actually Lieutenant Winslow, and in that you and I would agree. Otherwise, truthfully, I wouldn't have arranged this meeting."

Surprised at this news Lillian eyed the marine, "If you don't mind me asking, why did you arrange this meeting? It would seem that all you have to do is talk to LT. Cabid to get information on the case. As for trust, that is something that has to be earned and while I do not hold Lt. Cabid's actions against you, I cannot blindly give my trust either. I must insist that if you keep talking about Lt. Winslow that this is not the place, there are too many ears around for a conversation of that sort. As for me, there isn't much to tell I was born and raised on Earth, for the most part, until I got into trouble and my god-father took me under his wing. From then on we would meet mostly on Earth but I did spend sometime on Qo'nos."

Leaning back in her chair she knew that the marine wouldn't be able to resist asking about why she was on Qo'nos.

"Ears are the fun part Lieutenant, they tell you if you're on the right track," he added with a smile and a twinkle of chaos in his eyes. "Qo'nos, the Klingon homeworld, that is an interesting playground. Never been myself, though I have been told it's worth the trip. You strike me as the kind of person that would have a pet targ."

"Targs can be useful, but not for me as a pet, I prefer dogs from Earth. I wasn't on Qo'nos for fun, I was there to learn to fight to protect myself and others. Let's just say I don't suggest sneaking up on me, you might find yourself with a blade sticking out of your chest." She pulled out her d'k tagh, to show him, "As far as ears goes, while they can be useful they can also be harmful."

"Klingons will teach you to defend yourself. For my desert SERE training I worked with one on my self-defense training, and I learned how to fight for sure." Taking a sip of his drink, he smiled, turning to look around the bar, then back to his guest. "Well, if you want a more private place to talk, you let me know where and when. Hell, if you want, the fighter I fly has a second seat, you're welcome to come for a ride."

Lillian smiled, "I would love to fly with you. How about we plan for after my shift sometime? If you were to meet me at my office say about a half an hour before the end of shift, I would be more willing to answer your questions."

"I'll be there," replied Shaun with a smile. As he settled more comfortably into his chair, a waiter approached, giving the pair a change to order finally.


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