Haumea Colony

A Play-by-Nova roleplay game.

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Mission Three Pre-Opening

Posted on Thu Feb 13th, 2020 @ 6:59am by Captain Luka Mahone

Hello all! Just a quick announcement and I know this'll hit everyone:

I've opened up Mission Three up to pre-mission posting (mission events that occur in MDs -14 thru -1, for those who want to get a head start on some extra posts and lay down some groundwork for Mission Three's events. The mission page features a small summary, and holds a link to the mission details, including timeline. It's also linked HERE for review. If you'd like to add your subplot (if it includes more than a couple of people), lemmie know and we can see if we can work it in!

An aside, for those of you who want a catch-up, I'm working on a detailed summary of events, but UNTIL THEN!, I have (re)discovered the timeline in the wiki, which is now linked on the main page. For anyone who'd like to take a gander, the link for that isHERE!

That should be it. Let me know if you've got any questions or concerns!


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