Haumea Colony

A Play-by-Nova roleplay game.

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An Unpredicted Third [Mission End]

Posted on Thu Jan 31st, 2019 @ 12:08am by Captain Luka Mahone

435 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Groundwork
Location: USS Io, Bridge
Timeline: MD 30 - 1330 Hrs

The situation was beyond dire. Captain Matthews’ announcement overhead caused a stir within the civilians meant to touch down on the Colony. Members of the Starfleet crew had a calmer reaction, a few even present of mind enough to usher the panicked into escape pods. Luka took it upon himself to make sure those on the Operations deck found a way to safety before he made his way to the bridge, hoping the turbolift would be operational long enough for such a task.

As the door swished open, Luka stepped out onto the Bridge, which had itself been mostly evacuated. He spotted Captain Matthews, who was ushering the reporter into one of the escape pods. The door to the pod slammed shut and the pod jettisoned itself off before Matthews turned around, expression of relief on his face wiped away at the sight of the Commander. “... You… came back for me.”

“I did, mostly Sir. Part of protocol.” Luka confirmed, approaching from the far side of the Bridge. “From what I could contact, all civilians were evacuated, as was the crew. Operations diagnosis indicated-”

“Two explosive devices.” The Captain cut in, eyes narrowing. “One in Engineering and one on Medical Deck. Engineering failures as well.”

Luka's brow rose, taking a small moment through the blare of the red alert. His eyes narrowed, formality melting away to an alarmed panic. “James, the Ops diagnosis found three explosives,” he informed, stomach churning at the realization. “We have to get off the ship before the final one blows.”

The Captain had already opened the nearest escape pod, gaze calmly resting upon Luka. “You first, Commander. I'll be right behind you.”

Closing the distance between them, Luka quietly nodded, frown slowly creeping upon his features. His mind raced, going over every bit of paperwork in his head. He had put implicit trust in every member of the senior staff. Was that trust misplaced? “Sir,” he began, gazing off into the distance as he began to climb into the pod. “What do you think happened?”

“One thing at a time, Commander. Everyone to safety first. Solve the puzzle later.” Matthews glanced about at the Bridge, blaring alarms illuminating the scene in an eerie red glow. His eyes narrowed as they rested upon his command chair. The next instant, the Captain whirled around to shove Luka in the seat of the pod, shutting the door once the other was secured.

As the pod safely hurtled itself away from danger, Captain Matthews let out a sigh, the faint beep of an explosive device whirring over the blare of the sirens.

“... Mission accomplished.”


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