Haumea Colony

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Sweet Dreams, Bitter Realities

Posted on Thu Apr 4th, 2019 @ 2:02am by Captain Luka Mahone

1,215 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Snow Birds
Location: Commander Mahone's Quarters
Timeline: MD 03, 0301 Hrs

Luka was regretting installing a doorbell in the beginnings of his new home. But, as the otherwise pleasant chirrup echoed throughout a half-furnished, one bedroom house, he was hard-pressed to ignore it. Especially since it had been going on for the past ten minutes. He slowly rose from his bed, blinking drearily as he pulled on a pair of slacks, descending from his loft bedroom and to the front door. After letting out a sigh, he turned the handle on the wooden door, opening his mouth to speak before giving “It's three in the morning.”

“Your point?” As the door opened, it revealed a singular visitor, with multiple layers of jackets, and atop the visitor’s head was a black beanie, with the Starfleet Intelligence logo printed on the outside. His banter was muffled by the silver scarf wrapped around his neck. “Damn Mahone, it’s like you need sleep to be polite.”

For a moment, Luka’s words left him. The (admittedly comedic) sight of his old friend was not one he anticipated so soon, even after he received the message of the other’s return. Even after all this time, Asahi had managed to leave him just as flustered. “... Oh.”


After a small shake of his head, Luka took a step back, gesturing to Asahi to step inside. “… Come in, please.”

Suddenly animated, the young lieutenant took the invitation, pausing only to shut the door behind him before flopping himself on the floor to take off his snowboots. “Damn Skippy you're gonna let me in, it's freezing outside.” Boots now off his feet, Asahi sprang upright, pulling layers of jacket off of himself, setting them next to the bag he toted along with him. His tone turned bitter as he brushed off the golden Starfleet tee he pulled on earlier. “I mean, I get it. I'm a phantom, I shouldn't freeze. I should be dead or whatever.”

“Asahi…” Luka’s gaze softened as he watched Asahi pace forward, whirling on the Commander in annoyance.

“What, should I have waited?” Asahi spat back, eyes alight with anger. “Because I could have, waited another few weeks or so, when I was tossed into another situation I couldn’t stick myself out of.”

“That's not what I-”

Asahi huffed. “Well good because maybe I'm annoyed you didn't respond or even acknowledge that I said anything to you at all.” He crossed his arms against his chest, leveling the angered look at the drowsy Commander. “I get you're busy and you're this big head honcho now, but I feel like you should have two seconds to say 'yo I read this and I don't hate you.’ I don't expect you to open the door all the time but what the actual hell?”

Luka narrowed his eyes at Asahi as he continued his ranting. He couldn’t make it out any visual evidence with how dark the room was, but he was sure he could hear a quiver in the other’s voice. In what he thought was a pause, as the other rubbed at his eye. “Asahi I-”

“I'm not done.” Asahi’s hand removed itself from his face as his resolve on his anger returned. “I go MIA for a few years and you make yourself so scarce that a goddamn ship has to explode in order to find you. What’s with that?”

A frown appeared on Luka’s features. He took a step forward, ready to calm Asahi down. “If you'd just let me explain-”

“No!” Asahi’s shout stopped Luka’s approach, but only for a moment. “No I'm angry because I have had no word, no contact with any friends or family. It’s bad enough Starfleet Intelligence wouldn’t let me talk to anyone, but now that I’m out, being able to find someone is easier said than done.” He seemed to calm, the further he continued on his ramble, as if he were coming off of whatever energy he mustered to bring himself to the door. “Soraya is off who knows where doing who knows what, I can't find Stace or hell, even Selina, and now I find out that you're just sitting here in some frozen tundra, not responding to anything I send.” I don't even know where my own mother is. It’s all very frustrating and I'm scared, alright?” He gave pause to his own statement, before taking a deep breath. “I said it out loud, okay? Don't make me repeat it.”

Luka watched carefully, barely able to make out Asahi’s chest rising and falling heavily. His approach continued. “… Am I clear to speak now?”

“Yes.” Pause. Asahi sniffed. “Maybe. Probably.”

“I just barely saw your message two days ago.” By this point, Luka was close enough to see how much Asahi had managed to wipe away, and how much he had not. It might have been a flimsy excuse, but Luka continued to explain himself. “Our comms have been spotty. When I received the Commodore's message, your messages must have come down with it.” He let out a sigh, catching himself in his half-lie. “Either that, or I saw them and hadn’t had a chance to read them. I'm not ignoring you. No one is. Captain Rezvani is off doing what she does best, and I’m pretty sure the others have simply been lost to the wind. Selina is the only one I couldn’t keep track of.” He saw Asahi open his mouth to speak, but for the first time since they had met many years ago, Luka held up a hand. He waited patiently for Asahi to settle before continuing. “It hasn't been the best past few years for anyone, in more ways than one, and I’m sorry I couldn’t get to those messages before now. I truly am.”

Asahi’s gaze drifted downward, shoulders sagging as he leaned against the nearby couch. He refused to look up at Luka. “Sure. Okay.”

Luka let out a small sigh, bracing himself for another rant. “You don't believe me.”

“I don't believe I'm talking to you again.” The rant never came, Asahi’s energy running dry as he fidgeted in his spot. “I think this is all some lucid dream.”

Rubbing the back of his head, Luka held back the snort of a laugh, uncertain the bitterness in his mouth was his own or of a more empathic nature. But it was too early to think too much on it. “Can the dream end in bed and we can talk about the rest of this later? I'm going to need a bit more sleep. I have a big day tomorrow, and I told the rest of the Vesta crew I would take them to the mountaintop. We’ll have all week. I’ll make sure there’s time.”

The dusty-haired intelligence officer blinked, as if suddenly aware of his surroundings. “Oh.” He stood upright, awkwardly looking about before he took a step toward the door. “Yeah. I can just drop myself off at wherever’s been set up for us, I didn’t even think-”

“Oh now you're being shy and modest.” Luka interrupted, gesturing toward the room he emerged from. “It’s cold outside. Come on.”


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