Haumea Colony

A Play-by-Nova roleplay game.

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The Warmest of Welcomes

Posted on Fri Mar 25th, 2022 @ 9:52am by Captain Luka Mahone & Lieutenant Helena Issacks & Ensign Davna

594 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Roll With It
Location: Captain's Office, Command Center
Timeline: MD 01: 0050 Hrs

When Helena Issacks first arrived on the colony, it was many moons ago. Someone within the staff insisted they set the strategic operations team up before threats arrived. There needed to be preparation. When the Admiral came with Marines and much needed upgrades, Helena made for the first transfer off of the colony.

But the request to return was made two months later, when she came across a call for security officers for the colony. So return she did, arriving in the Captain's office in the dead of night, which was not the time she expected to meet him.

"We've had some trouble crop up," Captain Mahone explained, sitting at his desk across from her. She could see the trio of PaDDs downloading multiple files. Whatever trouble they had gotten into this time? She would be ready. "Right now what I want you to do is help me keep an eye on a man named Ranger Blue for me."

Helena blinked. "Ranger..."

Luka waved a hand. "That's what he's going by. He's under investigation - he's not being charged with anything yet, but there's reasonable suspicion that he was doing something maybe... not so legal."

"But, Sir, you said - "

"That and he's a Fenris Ranger." The Captain concluded, leaning forward, "A fact that we aren't going to illustrate highly until we know more information. We're not hiding it but-"

"But we don't want to call too much attention to it and cause more alarms," Helena concluded. "Got it, Sir."

Luka sat back in his seat, sliding over a PaDD to the woman, relieved at the confirmation. "Lieutenant, it's good to see you again. Having a familiar face in the security team will do some of the old hands some good."

"Sir, has morale been low since Lieutenant Winslow took leave?" Helena's question came abruptly, as most of her questions did when she wanted to get down to it. Which, was always.

"I can't quite make that judgment, but I haven't heard anyone complaining. Which, these days? Could mean anything." Luka gave a half-hearted smile. "I'll help in any way I can, but-"

"SIR! Sir! We have a situation!" Davna's voice cut through the dog-shaped speaker he had set up on his desk. "Sir, I... I don't know how to describe this? But... parts of the colony have ... Sir, there's a ... Sir, could you look outside?"

At that request, both Luka and Helena turned toward the viewport that served as an expansive window to the rest of the colony. But, as they looked out over the landscape, a massive, shimmering bubble sat atop the planet's surface, covering the colony's major hub area. As he looked, Luka leaned forward to tap on the button on his speaker. "I can see it, Davna."

"Good, because I don't know which team to scramble for you first."

There was a moment of silence, and Luka turned to Helena, who wasted no time on the comms and informing the security offices she would be down shortly. "We've already got a security team. Go for an Operations team and a Medical team. Send them both down to make sure no one's hurt and to get some scans going - make it clear that no one should touch anything until we know what's going on. And contact the Lieutenant Colonel for me. I'm sure he's going to want eyes on this if he doesn't have them on it already."

"Yes sir."

Luka sat back with a deep sigh. "Welcome back, Lieutenant."


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