Haumea Colony

A Play-by-Nova roleplay game.

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Strategic Retreat from the Battle of Paperwork

Posted on Mon Jul 27th, 2020 @ 2:42pm by Lieutenant Commander Sofia Nikedoros & Commander Koplo House of Tibok

1,392 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Equivalent Exchange
Location: Haumea, Chapel

The chapel that stood before Koplo was one that even he could admit required respect. The Klingon was not himself a religious man, even with the looming pressures of his society above him. He chose the path of Starfleet in order to aid his people in the furthered understanding of other races around them, not to spread the word of the various deities of his peoples' beliefs.

In the end, he understood very little of it and currently had an even smaller amount of time to absorb anymore knowledge around it. But, from his understanding, the chapel was where Lieutenant Commander Nikedoros did most of her work as chaplain, and therefore it was the building he was going to find her in.

Upon his entrance, Koplo was met with uncomfortable silence. This was also not a silence he was unused to, but for the Klingon, rituals of faith typically resulted in a celebration or a series of shouts.... followed by more celebration. To say he felt out of place would have understated the situation.

But he persevered through the quiet with his own respectful silence, until he realized the few who were in the establishment currently were not Commander Nikedoros. He was perplexed; had he entered the wrong religious building? No, there was only one currently on the colony, but that was why he was here. He frowned, meeting the gaze of a young girl who had decided to accompany her mother for the day. She did not seem the least bit scared of him, curiosity written all over her features as she peered up at the increasingly frustrated Klingon man. He turned toward the front of the chapel, eyes narrowing at lectern, as if willing the woman to appear at that very spot. "Harumph," was what he managed to huff out as he stormed forward. She would have to appear eventually.

After finishing a counseling session Sofia took a few moments to record her observations and recommendations, and enjoy a minute or two of quiet while finishing her tea, before leaving her office to look in on the chapel. Usually at this time of day there would be only a few people at private devotions, either in the pews or at one of the stations for candles, incense, or other contemplative prayer, but she tried to be quietly present in case anyone was looking for a chaplain.

Upon stepping into sanctuary it was clear someone was looking - perhaps several someones, since she picked up more than a few nervous looks from people glancing toward a rather agitated-looking Klingon who seemed to be surveying the chapel impatiently. She had not met him, but Gunnar had mentioned something about the new XO, who seemed to be rubbing Davna the wrong way. "Commander Koplo," she said,coming over toward him. "How may I help you?"

"Ah! Lieutenant Commander Nikedoros!" Koplo lost all sense of calm when he laid eyes upon her, though it was debatable whether he had any calm to begin with. "I have much to discuss with you. Multiple items, events... but what's most important - currently - is an issue I have about another ah... what do you call them - faith? Who wants their own space on the colony. And... I don't know... if they'll fit."

"It has always been my philosophy that all faiths are welcome here, but if there is a group that would be happier with a separate house of worship, I have no objections," she replied in a soft tone she hoped might bring him down a notch but if nothing else might reassure those glancing nervously at the Klingon. "However, it might be best to discuss your multiple items in my office." She opened a hand, gesturing toward corridor.

Starfleet senses kicking in, Koplo glanced about the room. Ah. "Right. yes. to your office, where we can discuss this... new faith." He made a grumble or two, leaning forward so that he was certain his somewhat-hushed whisper could be heard only by the Chaplain. "We may have bigger items to discuss than the Temple of D'era looming overhead."

Sofia suppressed a chuckle as she lead the way into her office - D'era was hardly a new faith since it had been around for several thousand years, but she could see why a Klingon officer might be less than happy about the prospect. "Please have a seat," she said as they entered the office. "And let me assure you that I will have no issue with a Temple of D'era. I am familiar with its tenets, or at least as familiar as an outsider can be. I take it the request for such a temple means we will be seeing more Romulans settling here?"

"You may not, but the building is not in the plan for Starfleet, or the colony." Koplo sat himself down, complete with an extreme frown on his features. "Nor are Romulan refugees. Now, while I'm sure the Captain is unopposed to welcoming more to the planet, there's a lot of..." Koplo made a grand gesture at the air. "... You know, paperwork... and ... negotiation... involved. If there are Romulans who wish to settle upon the land here then I have nothing against it, but I cannot ignore that others will. Doing so with..." He made another gesture, "Cooperation may be difficult. I'd rather not bother with it. Wait for the Captain to come around and make that call, but he is not. And I do not think any potential refugees will wait for the Captain to complete his training before..." A final gesture, before he rested his arm on the arm of the chair. "Before they get an answer."

"Commander, I helped draw up the plans for meeting the needs of religious life on this colony. I assure you that accommodation for separate worship spaces - even buildings, if desired - is very much in those plans," the Chaplain admonished. "As to paperwork or negotiation, I have some experience with refugee resettlement and with Romulans, so you may delegate that to me. If anyone has specific objections, you may direct them to me as well." She smiled sweetly. "From the the standpoint of both spiritual and Federation core values, I am the person best positioned to help them in any case."

While Sofia may have been the best suited, and absolutely correct, Koplo had not looked at the plans more than once, when the Captain droned on about how important it was that something something 'Let the civilians have their space please, they were here first.' That was all he gathered. As such, it was the civilians he had to protect. Surely the counselor knew this. That was the assumption, and that was what Koplo was going with.

And then it clicked. If she was that experienced in matters, surely she was the best positioned. Which meant Koplo would not have to deal with it any longer, instead focusing on efforts of supplementing the arsenal they were receiving from the Titania. There. It was settled. She volunteered. "Ah, then consider it delegated, Counselor! Your expertise in this matter will be greatly appreciated. When I return to my office, I'll have my yeoman contact the Captain regarding the matter."

He paused. Another nagging at the back of his mind reminded him of another matter. "... But of course, if you need my assistance, I suppose I could see what we could do on the administrative end."

"Thank you, Commander," Sofia said, inclining her head, partly in acknowledgment, but partly to hide a smile at the obvious relief on the XO's face. "But you needn't trouble yourself. I can work that out with Davna."

More delegation, which meant he needed to have no part. Deciding his hands were washed of this seemingly unnecessary task, Koplo pulled himself up out of his seat, a triumphant grin on his face. Some would have said he ran away from the battle of paperwork and appeasing Romulans, but Koplo saw it as a victory so he could move on to bigger and better things. "This was a good meeting, Commander! I look forward to many more of them."

"Thank you, Commander," Sofia said, rising to see him out. "It's always a pleasure to be of help."


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