Haumea Colony

A Play-by-Nova roleplay game.

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Clearing the air

Posted on Thu Jul 2nd, 2020 @ 2:32pm by Lieutenant Theodore Winslow & Lieutenant JG Lillian James

710 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Equivalent Exchange
Location: Colony Gym
Timeline: MD07

Lillian was excited to report for duty today, because it was the Chief's first day back. When she walked in she had hopped that the Chief and her could clear the air between them, but the Chief was in his office and he didn't speak to her at all during the day unless it was to issue an order.

After walking on egg shells all day with the Chief, Lillian decided that it was going to up to her to clear the air between them. They needed to work together as a team and they couldn't do that unless they talked this out. She asked the computer where Lt. Winslow was, and it replied that he was in the gym.

Perfect, she thought. She went to the gym and found the Chief sparring, she quickly changed clothes and suited up in the sparing outfit. She walked out of the locker room and announced herself.

"Lt. Winslow, I'm here to spar with you."

The man who had just been told that someone was there with the intent of sparring with him made him turn around and looked her up and down confused. "Probably not for the best Lieutenant." The man said looking at the man he had been practising with.

Smiling Lillian replied, "You're probably right, Chief, this isn't my brightest idea. None the less, I'm here and ready to go, besides we need to find a way to work together, no more walking on eggshells around each other."

"Well then let's clear some stuff up I have no been walking on eggshells around you." He said simply. If she was that was her deal and maybe he should advise some mandatory counselling or team activity.

"Well, then its just me then who's been walking on egg shells. At any rate, I wanted to get everything on the table to deal with it, so we can become a team. With that in mind, I'll just say that I didn't like have to conduct an investigation on you, as my superior. Depending on how you look at it, it was either a blessing or a curse. It was because I was new to the colony and your assistant that I was the lead. The Captain, knew that I wasn't happy with having to do it, but I saw it as your honor was at stake and I conducted the investigation trying to find out who really did it, because I was convinced that it wasn't you despite all the evidence saying that you did. Then Starfleet Intelligence came in and took the investigation away from me." Lillian explained.

Theodore sighed and looked ar the woman carefully. He really did not have the mental capacity at the moment to deal with this but it seemed that the woman wanted to discuss at the very least, she needed to get stuff off her chest to make herself feel better. He could understand that but it did not mean he overly wanted to help her feel better. "We conduct investigations on friends and colleagues regularly Lillian. You need to toughen up to that. Sometimes you do not mind and they go to plan but other times they do not. It is part of being a Security Chief, not one I overly like but it is a big part of the role."

"I get that, and I appreciate that Chief, but this seemed too easy to implicate you. The only thing that I couldn't find was a motive, and the one person I needed to talk to about wasn't available, cause that person was you." Lillian got the impression that the Chief didn't want to keep talking to her about this, "I'll leave you now to your match sir." She turned and walked away, she made it to the doors before she turned around and said, "I'll tell you one thing though, Lt. Cabid needs to be knocked down a few times. That man, just pressed all the wrong buttons with me. Good night Chief." she stated and walked out.

Theo raised an eyebrow but did not call her back. It seemed a fool's errand and he just wanted a few moments to himself. Whatever her problem was would keep for another day he was sure.


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