Haumea Colony

A Play-by-Nova roleplay game.

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Temporary Eviction

Posted on Tue Dec 17th, 2019 @ 3:45pm by Lieutenant JG Kikua Mahone & Lieutenant Theodore Winslow

638 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Canary
Location: Crew Quarters Building 1, Floor 5
Timeline: MD 03: 0621 Hrs

Why Kikua ended up tasked with clearing everyone out was beyond him. They made the announcement this morning, adding about five memos and a rather obnoxious banner put out front of floor five this morning. It was one he assumed most of the security staff knew about.

But, as he was discovering, almost no one knew about it to begin with. Kikua was on his own, helping the lone (puzzled) security officer corral the denizens of floor five out of their miniature apartments and into the next building. Just his luck...

Theo was barely awake when someone pretty much barged into his quarters and announced that he had to be moved out. He was just buckling up his snow jacket when he spotted someone familiar on the ground floor. "Mahone!" He called. "What is going on?" He demanded.

"What?! Yessir!" Kikua yelped at the shout, eyes wide. Oh he definitely didn't know what was going on. "Sir, we're having a quarantine of floor five of these quarters. There's a mold issue. Looks like someone let out a little bit of something to age their cheese and it just kind of..." he made a weird motion with his arm, as if that was supposed to mean something. "So we're purging everything to make it safe for everyone to live in. Sir."

Theo was not impressed by the Engineers answer at all. That type of thing was normally planned and arranged and it certainly did not happen at zero six hundred. Something was not right about it at all. "Winslow to Operations centre." He asked but his comm badge did not work. Something was seriously not right at all.

"... Huh." Kikua frowned at the badge. "They were working earlier. I'll have to look into that one." He pulled out a small tool from his kit. "Want me to calibrate it now? I had a couple of other tenants asking about it, but you need your communications, Sir."

"Do it." The man too tired and too uncertain to argue much more. He glanced around just in time to see people going into the block. "Any idea why they are and what they are doing?" He asked.

"Mold issues," Kikua reinforced, holding his hand out for the badge with one hand and reaching for his kit of finer tools with another. "That's what they told me. I'm just here to help with the quarantine and make sure everyone's out in time."

The older man held out his badge before he started to jump up and down to keep the cold out. "Any idea where they are sticking us in the meantime?" He wondered thinking he needed to find somewhere to catch a few more hours sleep if he could.

Kikua frowned at the badge as he rolled it around in his gloved hand, tilting his head to one side. "VIP suites," he stated. "They're bigger, and way less likely to develop mold because they aren't equipped with the same type of kitchen space." With the badge in one hand, Kikua popped it open with a small tool and squinted at the circuitry. "... If I didn't know better, I'd say there wasn't much wrong with this at all, Sir."

The man frowned. Something wasn't right at all but who was he to judge. "Guess I will head there and try and work out what is going on." He muttered feeling like he was missing something.

Kikua shrugged, feeling just about as helpless as Theo was. "I'll see if we can make the cleaning happen faster, Sir. And I can see what's up with your badge if you'd like, get you a spare while we sort this out."

"Thanks." Was all the man said as he moved away and headed towards the VIP Suites. What was going on??


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