Haumea Colony

A Play-by-Nova roleplay game.

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Catlike Reflexes

Posted on Sun Oct 6th, 2024 @ 11:44am by Lieutenant Commander Lylja Tigerlilly

364 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Crossed Wires
Location: Lylja's Quarters
Timeline: Quake!

Lylja rolled out of bed and was on her feet, reaching for her uniform before she was even awake, before the major shock hit. Her balance was perfect as the room rocked. "Earthquake?" she did not remember that in the reports.

She adjusted her uniform and tapped her combadge. "Tigerlilly here, what is happening?"

"Earthquake commander, center on a nearby location, we are still working that out," the officer on watch said. "Please stay where you are until the aftershocks stop."

"Let me know as soon as it is clear," said Lylja shouldering her satchel.

"Affirmative, commander."

Lylja flipped open her tricorder open and scanned the building. Being built to Starfleet standards, it was essentially unharmed. She could feel the next shock as a tingling before her tricorder warned her of it. Interesting, she thought.

Once both her senses and her tricorder said it was safe, she moved out into the corridor and found the stairway down. Good part about being a Department Head, place near the top of the building, great view. Downside, being near the top of a multistory building during an earthquake. She moved to the emergency staircase, surely this was a bad idea and going against the instructions she had been given . . .

She waiting out another aftershock and then dashed into and down the emergency staircase. She almost made it to the ground floor before a tingling warned her and she slide into the doorway to ride out the shock.

As soon as it settled down, she was on her way again and outside before, what turned out to be the last aftershock for the moment, hit.

"Commander, you should be safe to leave the building now," came the notification.

"Thank you, I am on my wait to Ops," she said dropping into a jog. "I will let you know when I arrive."


What an interesting place this colony was turning out to be.

A few minutes later, she was in her chair in the Ops office, making plans for rerouting power and deploying emergency supplies. It was only then she realized that she had left her underwear behind. Well, she could replicate a set once things settled down.


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