Haumea Colony

A Play-by-Nova roleplay game.

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The Reporting In Switcheroo

Posted on Mon Mar 11th, 2024 @ 9:37am by Captain Min Seong & Lieutenant Commander Lylja Tigerlilly

1,082 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Crossed Wires
Location: Captain Mahone's Office, Command Center
Timeline: MD 01

It had not been long since Min met with the frazzled Marine, but work needed doing. And it seemed that Luka had sent for an Operations Chief awhile back, as the arrival of one was giving Min alarms on the console screen. The Captain's Yeoman was absent, which seemed odd to her, but it would have been something she would sort out later. With a mystery ship overhead and a missing Captain, it appeared as though they would need all the help they could get.

It was unfortunate that this would be the first Caitian Min met. Despite her experience in linguistics and diplomatic affairs, her adventures with her crew had taken her well past the Federation borders and far outside of the reach of anyone but those aboard her ship. Which, unfortunately, did not include any of the feline-inclined race. But no time like the present.

Lylja made her way to the base commander's office, clicking off the music playing in her earpieces as she entered. She had noted that Captain Mahone was absent so she would be meeting with the interim commander, she was not sure if that boded ill or not.

The door to Luka's office swished open before the long-drawn chime could complete itself; the doctor had always been into cute little ditties. "Come on in," Min called from the other end of the office, "I think we have quite a bit to discuss."

Lylja made her way in, datapad in one hand, she stopped and offered a salute. "Lieutenant Commander Lylja Tigerlilly reporting for duty, Captain."

"Oh no, formalities." Min gestured toward the chair in front of her. "Consider yourself reported in. I'm not here forever, so we don't have to get too comfortable with each other. And I'm afraid the replicator is coded to two people and I am not one of them, so I can't offer much in the way of refreshments. Please, sit. There's a quite a bit to go over."

"Yes, Captain," said Lylja taking a seat. "Operations is here to assist as needed."

Min's lips formed a thin line, but she decided not to press the point. It had been awhile since she had been in a similar position, answering to someone behind a big swivel chair. "I think 'assist' is going to be an understatement for what may need to be done on this colony," she explained, gently pushing a PaDD across the table. "This should contain a brief on the colony's most recent issue, an unidentified vessel is incommunicado, at least to any attempts that we have made currently. I believe Lieutenant Harrison - the Chief Engineer - and our Marine attachment are mounting a little expedition to see if we can provide something a little more in person. Otherwise, we may have a crashed landing on our hands." She made a gesture toward the PaDD, "One that would see a bit of property damage to our civilian centers. I believe you should be able to assist them on that front."

Lylja took the datapad. "We will certainly do what we can. If this ship is coming into the atmosphere could we use tractor-equipped shuttles to manage its course and landing? A new colony cannot afford serious infrastructure damage."

Min's brow rose. Then it fell, then rose again. "That is certainly an idea. But that may be a conversation for our ... what did that one young Lieutenant call it - 'Try Not to Have Another Explosion' Team. Which bodes well." She gave a small, haphazard chuckle. "But, before we let that get away from both of us - what questions can I answer? I'm sure you have many." Min certainly did when she arrived.

Lylja gave the files a quick scan. "Captain, will you authorize use of the industrial replicator for Operations? There look to several bits of infrastructure that need improvement." She smiled. "And no, I do not know that from here," she tapped the datapad, "I was reviewing the Operations situation on my way to the Colony. I know everyone here has been doing their best but when you are caught up in day-to-day problems you can forget to look ahead to solutions. As a new arrival, I have nothing but a high-level view of the situation. With a the industrial replicator, I can construct what we need to sort out most of the problems I see."

"I don't see why not." Min was already tapping at the console to make necessary memos on the topic. "As far as it seems - the Chief of Operations is in charge of the industrial replicator's authorization anyways, so it shouldn't be much trouble. Just make sure you go through Engineering too - see if they have resources that can help you out. And if it gets to be a big project, obviously come find myself or the Second in Command here, that would be Lieutenant Colonel Bradley, for verification. I don't see Captain Mahone saying no to a whole lot that helps, or myself for that matter, but I'm sure you're more aware of how colony logistics work than I am. You have the colony experience, after all." She winked, folding her hands in front of her once more. "But that official paperwork should be on your work station once you get yourself settled in."

"Thank you, Captain," smiled Lylja. "Always easier to work with official support."

"What else can I help you with?"

"Honestly?" Min took a moment, her Captain-ly composure melting away to reveal a worried expression and a slight slouch in the chair. "As someone else who is also new to the colony, I would be much appreciated if you came to me with any concerns. Not work concerns - although I will not say no to those either - but observational ones. The number of reports I have rifled through of disappearing residents and children in dangerous situations alarms me. So if anything seems... out of place, please bring them to me."

Lylja nodded. "It was my experience on Leto that colonists, even the children, are more adventurous and willing to take risks than we tend to think of as usual in the Federation. But I will be alert to anything unusual."

"Then your expertise will likely be highly appreciated here." Min gave her a soft smile. "That will be all. I will absolutely not keep you a moment longer."

"Thank you, Captain," said Lylja with a smile. "It is good to have work to do."


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