Haumea Colony

A Play-by-Nova roleplay game.

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Medical, OK!

Posted on Fri Feb 16th, 2024 @ 4:12pm by Lieutenant Gunnar Arnason & Lieutenant Commander Lylja Tigerlilly

1,146 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Crossed Wires

Lylja finished putting away her sparse collection of things and tapped her comm badge. "Put me through to medical."


"This is Tigerlilly, newly arrived on Coloney, I was instructed to have a quick physical upon my arrival. Is there someone on duty who can look me over and give a seal of approval?"

"I can put in for a 1300 appointment with Lt. Arnason."

"I will be there," said Lylja making a note on her calendar.


At the hospital, Gunnar scanned over the new transfer's medical records. With Dr. Jai busy with pediatrics lately, he'd found himself tapped for the medical check in. Not that he minded - he liked meeting new people and he smiled to see a Caitian; he generally had an affinity with felinoids. Besides, with the seasons starting to turn toward fall, he couldn't help thinking that someone with a natural fur coat was a good choice for the posting.

Spotting her as she entered, he offered a friendly smile. "Commander Tigerlilly, I presume. I'm Nurse Arnason. I'll be conducting your check in exam."

She offered her hand. "Nice to meet you, Nurse. I am sure I am fine but Starfleet seems to think I am made of fine crystal or something so they want to make sure the trip has not damaged me." She smiled.

The tall blonde laughed accepting the offered hand. "Not so much fragile as that Starfleet personnel are known for not admitting to issues until they have to be carried into medical," he explained, then flashed a quick grin. "No judgment - those of us in Medical are often the worst," he added as he ushered her into an exam room.

Lylja followed behind tail swishing happily. "I have never understood that we have the most miraculous medicine at hand, why not take advantage of it?"

She moved to where indicated. "My only complaint is that I am still waking up feeling ice cold in the middle of the night. I am not sure if it is a physical or psychological aftereffect and it is down to only being most nights rather than every night now. So it is slowly getting better."

"It may well be both," Gunnar observed, setting up a scan. "I imagine you've had all manner of medical assessments, but we don't have a lot of data on the effects of extended stasis, especially for felinoids." As much as he resisted analogies between Cait and earth felines, he couldn't help but think that there was data for pet cats since his father had an entire reference devoted to the history of using stasis for both family pets and to preserve endangered big cat species. "Waking cold does relate to some known issues for all mammalian species though - thyroid and circulatory systems often take several months to completely 'reset'. And the issue can become self-extending because your body needs enough rest to keep up the metabolism that creates heat."

Lylja nodded. "I was assigned supplements back at the starbase, which are included in my meals, and I am trying to get back into a routine including exercise and move movement. Should be easier now that I have a home again."

"Ah, yes. I see them noted here. I'll make sure that they're transferred to our system, and I'll give you a supply of supplements for when you want non-replicated meals. We have fresh produce if you like to cook, and some very good restaurants," he remarked as he marked notes in his PaDD. "Exercise should help too - with both physical and psychological after effects." Hopefully. He caught himself unconsciously flexing shoulders still stiff from over doing that sort of self-directed therapy. "There's a lot available here. If there's a particular sport or activity you enjoy, I may be able to point you in the right direction."

"Shipboard I do martial arts, but on a colony," she smiled, "dancing is my passion. Do you have any good dance clubs? Dancing should be social."

"I can't speak to martial arts. The Counselor and I practice aikido, but that's the extent of experience there. Dancing however..." An almost boyish smile crossed the man's face. Without Divash or T'Ango around he had watched more than gotten on out on the floor himself, but he did know a few places to recommend. "I suppose it depends on the style you're looking for. Cacao has salsa, occasionally with an Orion twist depending on the band. The Eclipse is eclectic - everything from earth style swing to Tellarite Tusk Rock. and the Silver Tongue craft brewery has a place for dancing, and the music varies week by week, but more low key - blues/jazz couples to country type line dancing."

Lylja nods. "I will check those out, though low-key is not my style of dance," she said with a grin. "Salsa style is fun, though I would have to get a dress just for that. You want something colorful and flashy there."

Another felinoid who likes salsa... Gunnar smiled to himself, shaking his head. At least things were tamer here. The last time he'd gone out to tango with T'Ango they'd barely slipped out ahead of shore patrol. "Some people do dress up, but you'll find we're mostly more casual here. A Hawaiian shirt is about as much color as I've ever needed for Cacao."

Lylja drew a square in the air with her fingers about the size of Arnason's chest, "With your frame, a Hawai'ian shirt would provide quite a bit of color," she said with a grin. "But thank you for the information."

Gunnar rolled his eyes a little but laughed. "I suppose that's true." He didn't particularly like standing out, but ever since hitting an early growth spurt, he'd become accustomed to it being somewhat unavoidable. Seeing that the medical scan finished, he checked the results. "Yes, your metabolic rate is bit below species standard, which tracks with what we've discussed. Everything else is in healthy range though, so it should continue to correct over time. But I'd like to schedule a follow up in a few weeks to be sure."

"OK," she said. "And drop me a note when a band you like is playing at the Cacao."

"I will," he agreed with a smile and polite nod. The idea certainly appealed, but while he tried to be friendly and put people at ease, he was mindful of professional propriety. "And I'll have scheduling comm with options for the follow up. Don't hesitate to comm or come by if you have any issues before then."

Lylja nodded. "I will. And I will have that follow-up scheduled within the day."
She stretched. "Well, back to work. Be seeing you."

"You're go to go," Gunnar said, signing off on her exam. "Welcome to Haumea.


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