Haumea Colony

A Play-by-Nova roleplay game.

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Rolling Blackouts

Posted on Wed Feb 20th, 2019 @ 7:22am by Lieutenant JG Shurlok & Lieutenant Theodore Winslow

751 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Groundwork
Location: Winslow's Quarters - USS Io

The infestation had lead to any number of secondary problems before it was eradicated, but when Shurlok learned there were issues with the Chief of Security’s quarters he decided to attend to the matter personally, if only to investigate why his powerful Vulcan ears only heard the man’s name spoken in hushed whispers and quiet asides.

He arrived at the Chief’s quarters and pressed the buzzer.

“Come in.” The man inside called out sounding tired. The double door opened to reveal the Chief of security stood there wearing shorts and a dark tee. “Can I help?” Theo asked.

“Good evening, Chief. I am sorry to bother you, but the MSD is reading a non-specific failure in this cabin’s systems. Have you noticed anything amiss?” Shurlok asked, crossing the threshold, though only until he was far enough away to keep from tripping the door sensor.

Theodore looked around the room. The lighting was low like he liked it but he hadn’t noticed anything wrong so far. “Um I haven’t noticed anything a miss at all.” The human stepped back a little more to glance around.

“Would you mind trying a few things to troubleshoot for me?” Shurlok said, taking his refurbished tricorder from it’s holster and beginning a scan sequence. “If we catch whatever it is now, we may be able to save taking systems offline later. But I apologise again for the inconvenience.”

“Sure.” The man shrugged taking a quick glance around his pristine quarters to check that they were okay to be looked around properly. “What do you need me to do?” Theo asked looking back at the man wondering now why he was getting a department head instead of a crewman. It wasn’t hard to put the fact in front of him together now that he looked at Shurlok properly.

“I suppose we should go through the systems in order of cross-systemic involvement. Perhaps try to replicate a cube of Deltan frois gras the size of the alcove. I believe that is the most resource intensive recipe on file. Then disassemble it.” Shurlok said, already moving the scanner diode of his tricorder around for any ambient readings that stood out in the room.

The Security Chief raised an eyebrow but did as he was requested ordering a cube of deltan frois gras. He looked at him and shook his head. “Seems fine to me?” He said about to move to get rid of it.

Shurlok passed the tricorder diode over the replicated mass of fatty animal tissue. “No issues in the replication process. If you could please begin the disassembly.”

“I won’t be testing the taste of it,” Theo said wrinkling his nose before he pressed the button to disassemble the item.

“I am seeing something.” Shurlok said as his tricorder started to beep. “I believe that -” Before he could finish his thought, all the power in the room seemed to go out at once, except for a handful of guidance lights. “Oh.” He said. “I believe I have discovered the issue, a short in the resequencer circuit. I may need to remove your replicator, are you able to make do with the mess hall or the replicator of another officer in the meanwhile?” Shurlok asked.

“Mess hall will be fine.” Theo looked annoyed for a second before he smiled something hitting him. “I have access to another one yes.” He said thoguhtfully thinking of the red headed nurse he had been flirting with awhile.

“I apologise for any inconvenience, sir.” Shurlok said, tapping a few keys on the tricorder once the diode was reinserted. He tapped his combadge. “Shurlok to Main Engineering. Please initiate a power reset for my current location in ten seconds.” He said, opening up a panel above the replicator, and one beneath it, before removing the entire apparatus in a single move, leaving a somewhat unsightly hole in the wall where it had been removed.

A moment later the power returned and the lights went back on. “Is there anything else I can be of assistance with, sir?” Shurlok asked, giving no indication of just how heavy the replicator he carried was.

The Security Chief shook his head quickly. There was nothing left for him to say or do as he glanced at the hole in the war and the fact he was now hungry. "Thank you for your assistance though Lieutenant."

"Good evening, sir." Shurlok said, easing the replicator out the door sideways.


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