Posted on Thu Jul 30th, 2020 @ 10:53am by Captain Luka Mahone
Hello all!
Just a quick one this month. Apologies for my delays, as per the work schedule. You all have already been introduced to Justin, who plays our new Chief of Medicine! This opens up more avenues than before.... evil, devious ones.
Also, here's our Obsidian Fleet Monthly report. Short, sweet, to the point:
For 100% clarity, Obsidian Fleet has updated their rules involving post counts and reporting for Commanding Officers. Any post at 500 words counts as a post, with each additional 500 counting as another post. There are multiple reasons for this, and I've been counting words for the past few months regardless. This being said, we've never had issues hitting the 500 word count on this simulation and I don't foresee that being an issue. I have gone ahead and updated the rules to reflect the Obsidian Fleet standard as well,, making our required word count 500 words or more, so if you ever have a question about a post and it's word count, please consult your word counter application or website to ensure your post will fit. If there are questions or concerns about this, please ping me on discord.
Thank you all much, and here's to hoping for a good August!
Category: Sim Announcement