Haumea Colony

A Play-by-Nova roleplay game.

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June Monthly Update 2020

Posted on Tue Jun 30th, 2020 @ 11:57am by Captain Luka Mahone

Gosh this month has flown, hasn't it? But it hasn't flown by our notice! I've updated our monthly report to reflect what we've done, but just a heads up for you all:

- I'm reworking the manifest. The security/tactical department will be split into Security and Tactical departments. Strat Ops is still considered it's own department, with Intelligence working beneath that for reasons that make sense to colony operations. Also, speaking of operations, The Flight Control Department has been (and was originally) converted to a Flight Operations sub-department of Operations. This should not affect much about any of anyone's current positions, except for the security department, who I've spoken to.

- I'm (finally) going through and making those deck/floor plans I've needed to get to this whole time. At some point I do intend to maybe actually physically make map versions, but that's of course up in the air. For now, I've got a google doc of the Command Center deck listing that I intend to translate to the Nova sooner rather than later. Medical building and science buildings are incoming.

- Which reminds me, I do intend to allow for the customization of departments! This is on a case-by-case basis with all the Department Heads, and I'll come around to each of you to speak on what you'd like to see and what you wouldn't like to see in terms of departmental structure in personnel and within your actual physical building areas.

- In terms of the story and what we're aiming for, once we clear out a couple of JPs I intend to get around to advancing our plot forward for the month of July. Check the discord for organization of posts. If you'd like JPs on the interim, I'm always available and I believe so are most of the rest of you!

- Unfortunately, I did not reach my personal goal of being able to submit anything to the Obsidian Fleet Monthly Challenge, but I'd like to move forward for next month's goal of submitting one for next month! The theme of the Monthly Challenge is 'Action'! Don't let me stop you from submitting a post for this month either if you believe you have one for the theme of 'Hope'. I highly recommend doing so!

That should be it! If there are any questions or concerns, please contact me through the discord. And happy July!

That should be the majority of it. As always, I'm reachable on discord.


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