Haumea Colony

A Play-by-Nova roleplay game.

Major Jalen Kartos

Name Jalen Kartos

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Major

Character Information

Gender Male
Species El-Aurian
Age 822 years (By earth reckoning)
Sexuality Homosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 200lbs
Hair Color Greying Blond
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Jalen is a tall and solidly built humanoid, who can be rather intimidating upon first viewing. He is well into what humans would call "middle age" and has been there for centuries


Spouse Horvath Kartos (Deceased Circa 2260, at the hands of the Borg after failed negotiations), Husband: Vedek Kartos Lorian (Second Husband, Bajoran)
Children Adopted Son: Kartos Leran (Born Circa 2386, 11 years old, Bajoran)
Father Valen Kartos (Deceased)
Mother Helena Kartos (Deceased)
Brother(s) 4 (All deceased)
Sister(s) 2 (All Deceased)
Other Family Various extended family all either dead or presumed dead

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jalen is really just a big teddy bear, who cares too much about the happiness and well being of those around him. Though having spent centuries as an alcoholic and bar room brawler he is also very capable of turning "Mama Bear" to protect those he cares about.
Strengths & Weaknesses Among his strengths would be his empathy, compassion, and medical skill.
His biggest weaknesses would be the ease by which he attaches to others, and the guilt he still carries with him every day from the many failures of his past.
Ambitions Jalen's biggest ambition is to be able to put aside all he had failed to do, and be happy. To live in the proverbial House with the White Picket Fence with the one he loves and be able to live "happily ever after", though he suspects this will never be a possibility for him.
Hobbies & Interests Jalen's biggest hobbies would be Cultural Studies, as he throws himself into the cultures of the people he helps. Whether they be Only or Bajoran.

His interests include the Bajoran Religion, which he has whole heartedly adopted, and spending as much time as he can with his Family and the Onlies that he knows at any given time. Because they are able to help him forget his past, if only for awhile.

Personal History Jalen was born circa 1579 by earth reckoning, on El-Auria. He was a medical prodigy and quickly excelled at anything medical related he could get his hands on. By the age of 50, relatively young for an El-Aurian, he was already a tenured Dean of Pediatric medicine with dual specialties of Child/Adolescent Psychiatry and Developmental/Behavioral Pediatrics. He served in this capacity for another 50 years before he would take up an interest in Trauma and Emergency medicine, and would return the El-Aurian medical academy to pick up another double specialty in Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Pediatric Surgery. It was during this second round at the El-Aurian medical center that he would meet his Husband, who was studying at the same university, but with a focus on Diplomacy and Politics. They would be married shortly after their mutual graduations, though Jalen would stay on at a prestigious El-Aurian Pediatric Hospital as the Dean of Medicine, and his husband Horvath would be sent out as a dedicated first contact specialist with the El-Aurian Space Navy. Over the next few centuries Jalen would distinguish himself as the leading Pediatrician on El-Auria.

Jalen and Horvath lived a happy life surrounded by friends and family, whenever Horvath was home from his duties. With little excitement in their life beyond the purchasing of antiques or vacations to the most interesting worlds within the El-Aurian sphere of influence. Jalen even joined Horvath once when he was working on a particularly difficult Diplomatic mission involving a world whose childhood mortality rate was quite high, Jalen's prestigious medical talents helped rectify that situation, and in turn engendered the race to the El-Aurian people. Allowing Horvath to finish his negotiations, which resulted in bring the planet into the El-Aurian sphere of influence as a protectorate. Things went very well for the young (by El-Aurian Standards at least) couple. That was until the fateful day when Horvath's team was chosen to negotiate with a new hostile in the quadrant, known simply as the Borg. No one knew how fateful this would be for the race"

For awhile it seemed that things were going well for the two polities, but then out of nowhere the Borg took a much more aggressive stance and actually injected the El-Aurian negotiations team with nanites with the intent of assimilating them. Whether for good or bad, fate had decreed that the assimilation of El-Aurians would not be so easy, and the process which usually would take a few hours, was drawn out over months of time. The Negotiation Team was brought back to El-Auria and Jalen was devastated by what he found when he arrived at the hospital. He then lead a team of researchers and medical professionals in their exploration of the Nanite problem. While they would be unable to save the Negotiations Team, they were tasked with coming up with a means that would've prevented assimilation entirely, alas that was not meant to be. For despite all their advanced technology, and a vested interest in finding an answer, they couldn't solve that problem. In response to the El-Aurian innate resistance to assimilation, the Borg responded with a Pogrom of systemic destruction of the El-Aurian race. For almost a century the two sides fought an unending war of attrition, that was until the fateful day when a fleet of Borg tactical cubes appeared in the sky above the El-Aurian Homeworld, to the last minute the noble defenders held their own allowing as many of their kin to escape the devastation as possible. Jalen was in one of the last military vessels to leave his Homeworld, having had to be dragged out of his laboratory by El-Aurian marines, for he wouldn't give up trying to find someway to prevail"¦ at least that is what he told everyone. When in fact in his heart of hearts, he just wanted to die in the same place that his only love perished by his own hand when the Nanites had gotten too far in the assimilation process for him to save Horvath. He had thought that the loss of Horvath was the worst thing that could ever happen to him, that was until on that cruiser, despondently looking out the view port, he saw his world exploded from the overwhelming bombardment of the Borg fleet. In that moment he lost all hope at ever truly living again.

For a time, what would account for lifetimes for some species, Jalen roamed the galaxy moving from one hedonistic pleasure to the next, all in an attempt to somehow blot out his overwhelming sense of guilt and loss. But no matter how much he poured into himself, the whole that was left was bottom less and greedily absorbed all he could give it. There was hardly a bar, tavern, or house of pleasure, in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, that he hadn't frequented (and even less he hadn't been thrown out of). But through all this he was still El-Aurian and he had made friends, which for him was providential. For when Jalen was at his lowest point, a bottle of Aldebran whiskey in one hand, an El-Aurian phaser pistol set to kill in the other, the song that Horvath and he had chosen for their wedding blaring from the speakers in his rented hotel room, and his own resolve finally poised to follow through with that most final of solutions, that one of those many friends sent him a comm message. It was one of the Federation Medical personnel assigned to aide the children left on Miri's World after the devastation of the Life-Prolongation Virus that devastated the adult population. In this opportunity Jalen saw a chance at perhaps redeeming himself. So he sobered up and made his way to Miri's World to meet with the Mirians, or Onlies as the nearly immortal children began referring to themselves. For decades Jalen worked with, and eventually led the team, of Federation relief workers who aided the Onlies with their integration into the Federation. After the integration was complete and the Onlies had formally joined the federation, Jalen stayed on as their Chief of Medicine for a time, training up one of the Onlies to replace him. Then he got another call from a friend, this time to go and aide with the relief of another stricken world, Bajor. This time the world was in shambles after decades of exploitive occupation by a foreign power and the near eradication of its culture. Jalen would again heed the call to work with this stricken people and made his way to Bajor.

It was among these nearly broken people that he truly found peace, for the first time since he witnessed the death of his homeworld. This was also the place where Jalen learned to love again. For shortly after his arrival, he met a rather striking and insightful Bajoran man who was his liaison to the new Provisional Government. In many ways he reminded Jalen of Horvath, they both had the same lust for life, and the unshakable understanding that all people are inherently good. Jalen was also struck by how the man, raised in a world of horrors, didn't hate those who had inflicted those horrors on his people. No indeed the young man felt a kind of sympathy for them. Knowing in his heart that most of them were just doing what they had to do to survive, for the Cardassian Government would've been just as quick to kill their own as they were to kill the Bajorans. Jalen during his time on Bajor took to the culture and the people to the extent that he even applied for and won Bajoran Citizenship, and even converted to the Bajoran Faith.

Due to the nature of the Bajoran culture in the post Occupation era, Jalen was asked to serve with either the Provisional Government or the Militia. Jalen opted for service with the Bajoran Militia in a Mobile Militia Surgical Unit. He was commissioned as a 1st Lieutenant in the Bajoran Militia Ground Forces, and his first placement was at Militia HQ teaching medicine to new recruits. He would spend 5 years there, it would’ve been more but fate had different plans for him. Due to the increasing closeness of Starfleet and the Bajoran Militia Jalen was offered a placement with the Officer Exchange Program and accepted, he was assigned to a Starfleet Marine MASH unit in early 2373, it was an opportunity to learn new Surgical and Triage techniques to bring back the Bajoran Militia. What was supposed to be a relatively easy 3 month deployment on Earth turned drastically darker when open war broke out with the Dominion. Jalen’s Unit the 401st MASH Unit was activated and sent to the Front. Through the course of the next few years they seemed to constantly be deployed in the Vanguard of the Fighting.

On the eve of the signing of the Bajoran/Dominion Non-Aggression Pact, which would’ve prompted Jalen’s return to Bajor, the planet that Jalen’s unit was deployed on was cut off from the Federation. As such word never reached them that the Pact had been signed. It would be over 4 months till Starfleet was able to liberate the world, and by that time Jalen opted to stay in service with his unit. He was granted a field commission as a Marine Captain and made Chief of Surgery with the unit. Jalen’s unit continued to serve amid the Vanguard till their last deployment in the Liberation of Cardassia. The Unit and Jalen included received some of the highest honours that the Marine Corps could grant them, for their dedicated and unflinching service in the darkest and bloodiest ground conflicts of the war.

Jalen returned to Bajor and his promotion was upheld by the Militia, who went one step further and made him a Major. He was also tasked with the job of heading up the Militia Mobile Surgical Hospital Corps, a subdivision of the Militia Medical Corps. Due to the fact that after the Dominion War Bajor was no longer in any active Conflicts, Jalen Organized and Deployed the MMSH as a Civilian Relief corps, not unlike the historical Earth medical organization “Doctors Without Boarders” and would go the remotest regions of Bajor, the B'hava'el system, as well as several neighbouring systems & polities.

In 2397 Jalen was contacted by a friend in Starfleet with whom he had served with during the Dominion War, the man (long since retired) was living on Haumea Colony, which had been having some trouble keeping a Chief Medical Officer. The man prevailed upon his old friend to help. So Jalen contacted the Director of the Bajoran Militia and officially submitted his name for the Officer Exchange Program with Starfleet. He also made a few Comm Calls and pulled in some favours with the Starfleet Bureau of Personnel to ensure his assignment to Haumea Colony. He was quickly accepted into the program and he would relocated with his long suffering Vedek of a Husband to Haumea Colony.
Service Record Circa 2200: Commissioned into the El-Aurian Defense Force as the equivalent of a Colonel, to oversee the "Borg Project". Subsequently promoted several times to rank of General.

Circa 2220: Watched El-Auria's Destruction. As one of the Senior Surviving Members of the El-Aurian High Command he was on the council that decided not to re-establish an El-Aurian Government. And Resigned his Commission.

Circa 2266: Joined the Medical and Intigration team assigned to Miri's World.

Circa 2300: With the Only acceptance into the Federation, he was made a citizen and given the position of Chief of Medicine of the Only World.

Circa 2369: Retired from his Position as Chief of Medicine on Miri's Planet, and moved to Bajor to aide with the Efforts there.

2370: Jalen meets and later marries the young Vedek Lorian, and gets comissioned as a 1st Lieutenant in the Bajoran Milita Ground Forces. Assigned to the MEdical Corps.

2373: Joined the Officer Exchange Program with Starfleet and assigned to the 401st Marine MASH unit. Subsequently deployed to the Dominion Front.

2374: Comissioned as a Captain in the SFMC.

2375: Returned to Bajor after the Battle of Cardassia, and promoted to Major in the Bajoran Militia.

2397: Rejoined the Officer Exchange Program and assigned to Haumea Colony as it's Chief Medical Officer.

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