Haumea Colony

A Play-by-Nova roleplay game.


  • 5 Mission Posts

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Wed Feb 26th, 2025 @ 9:28am

Skili VaTemishon

Name Skili VaTemishon

Position Band Leader

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Klingon
Age 29
Sexuality Bisexual

Physical Appearance

Height 188cm
Weight 93kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Orange-Amber
Physical Description Skili is a tall and statuesque Klingon woman, every inch the warrior. She dresses to emphasize her build and height but rarely wears "traditional" Klingon garb unless a performance requires it.

Her hair falls to her mid-back and she wears it in a loose braid.

She has a powerful, but adaptable, singing voice, which often surprises people.


Spouse n/a
Father Kolimar
Mother Akari
Brother(s) Two
Sister(s) One
Other Family Yes

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Skili is a Klingon warrior, born and bred, but she does not want to be a warrior, she wants to be a musician and she is getting pretty good at that too. She is quite talented and has a natural affinity for musical instruments, especially anything in the percussion family

Skili is getting it more firmly under control, but she has a temper. Not a problem among her own culture much more so in the wider Federation.
Hobbies & Interests Skili loves music in all its forms, except for Klingon Opera, but that is not so much the music that she dislikes as the culture that extolls it as the only true music.

Personal History Skili VaTemishon is from a very minor branch of Klingon nobility, one with more honor than status, and she was raised to be a Klingon warrior. Which she did not mind so much, always being attracted to physical challenges. But she discovered music, and music was an even more exciting challenge, so much beyond what her family wanted her to listen to, a literal universe more. She served one deployment with the Klingon Armed Forces to satisfy her family and then decamped for Federation space, learning music as she went.

She met the other members of the Nova-Tones in a bar after their previous drummer had quit. Luckily for the group, he did not own the drum set. She offered to help them out on their set and so, Skullcracker the Drummer was born. But she really wanted to write and sing and the band was resistant to both so they parted ways on Haumea Colony.

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