Haumea Colony

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  • 2 Mission Posts

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Fri Aug 16th, 2019 @ 3:32pm

Lieutenant Winford Simril

Name Winford Simril PhD

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 62

Physical Appearance

Height 179cm
Weight 182kg
Hair Color Grey
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Dr Simril has short grey hair with a little of the original black showing through. He has a grey beard, and is of average height. He has a bit of a stomach, but he is also relatively healthy and adequately fit.


Mother Dr Katrina Simril

Personality & Traits

General Overview Whilst wise and learned, Dr Simril is also rather weird. Perhaps all those years of space travel can send a man mad? He can quite easily confuse people by either mumbling things to himself, as he is prone to do, or by making up new words mid-way through a sentence. He can also unintentionally say things that sound mean, but that doesn’t mean he’s mean. Preferring, on occasion, inanimate company, you may find him talking to plants, or perhaps he will burst into song on occasion. Dr Simril also hates alcohol and wanders around when bored.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths - experienced in the ways of things, from Starfleet affairs to vegan cooking; hugely resourceful; studious

Weaknesses - Dr Simril can seem like he is away with the fairies or just simply an idiot, so people underestimate him or ignore him; can’t sleep in total darkness; plans and advice can turn out to be bad; probably a little mentally unstable
Ambitions Dr Simril has no ambitions anymore, besides submitting his current paper on the asthenosphere of Rho Mali V.
Hobbies & Interests In his spare time, Dr Simril likes to paint. He also enjoys looking after plants.

Personal History Winford Simril was born in 2333 and raised as an orphan by Dr Katrina Simril, a professor of philosophical systems at the university on the small Federation colony of Procyon Prime. He was a precocious child, and somewhat eccentric. He excelled in some subjects at school, and did very poorly in others. He learnt a lot from his mother and her friends and colleagues, some of whom were visiting the university from far-off planets. He was schooled in modern philosophical thought, linguistics, history, anthropology, sociology, mathematics and the rudiments of physics. He decided to enrol in the university on Procyon Prime to study mathematics and philosophy.

In less than a year, he had dropped out, disillusioned by formal education. Weeks after dropping out, he had got a job in damage control on a passing freighter. An argument with the captain led to his swift dropping-off at Starbase 718. It was there that Simril was able to find work as a civilian lab assistant to a Starfleet microbiologist. Working there for some months, the Starfleet science staff convinced Simril to apply to study at the Regulus III Science Academy. He did, and was accepted, onto a programme of physics. He found his place in the world of the academy, and despite academic eccentricities, graduated with a first-class degree. He decided to continue his work, and spent several years teaching and researching at the academy before completing a PhD in seismology in 2359.

As a young lecturer, Dr Simril visited a number of institutions across Federation space to talk about his research and take part in academic seminars on seismology. But with all the adventuring, Simril found stability lacking, and wanted a permanent place to conduct his research. But his temperamentality meant many of the people who might hire him in academia already had some reason to dislike him. He found himself turning to Starfleet and opted to enrol in Starfleet Academy.

Simril was not an ideal cadet, handing in work late, ignoring group work, and on occasion (during his geophysics module) improving the work of the lecturer. He was reprimanded on more than one occasion, but it was noted that he would be a valuable asset to Starfleet, and so was allowed to pass. As a cadet, he served as a science specialist on the USS Euphoria, a resupply starship, where he largely found himself bored and useless. However, he was promoted to Ensign in 2365, and his next assignment was on the USS Condor, a science research vessel, where he had the freedom to work in the planetary physics lab, at his own seismology station.

On the USS Condor, Dr Simril was able to tap into his years of teaching and research to start developing more coherent theories using primary data. It was on his time on Condor that he co-founded the “Public Journal of Starfleet Seismology” with a visiting professor, Lieutenant Sopek, graduate of the Vulcan Science Academy. Despite his low rank, Simril was quickly developing a reputation as a noted Starfleet scientist in the field of earthquakes and more broadly planetary crusts and tectonic plates. After three years on the Condor, Simril was assigned to the Babbar Colony, leading a small unit of civilian researchers looking at the planet’s plate and crusts. Despite his record at the Academy, Simril was trusted with the responsibility of leading the small team, and produced valuable results.

He was promoted to Lieutenant, J.G., and his next assignment was as a science specialist at the resource mines of Mu Indi V, looking specifically at previous seismic activity on the planet and using that to attempt to predict future seismic activity, particularly as a result of mining activity. His work, over the course of two years, was published in the journal he co-edited and earned him a commendation from Starfleet. He was offered a position at Starfleet Academy, researching earthquake prediction and forecasting, and helping to teach the ‘Advanced Geophysics’ class to cadets. This was a period of great productivity for Simril, who produced a number of papers with fresh data from Starfleet exploration vessels. He delivered at a number of conferences across Federation space, even at the Romulan Astrophysical Academy.

As a result of this, after four years of researching and teaching at Starfleet Academy, Simril was offered a temporary visiting professorship in seismology at the Vulcan Science Academy, another very productive year where he was working closely with his old colleague Dr Sopek. Following this, a promotion to Lieutenant followed. The next ten years saw a succession of posts where Simril went from within to outside his comfort zone. He took on a couple projects on colonies, mapping seismic data, advised the Starfleet SAR team on earthquake relief, and led a research group attempting to predict seismic activity in an entire system. In 2387, leading the science division at Karru Station, he was posted to the USS Yukon, a Galaxy class explorer, as it's Assistant Chief Science Officer.

As ACSO, Simril led a research team looking at geophysical qualities and data from planets explored and contacted during the Yukon’s mission. Simril became a symbol of stability on the ship, holding the role for six years before his appointment as Chief Science Officer for Deep Space Station K-7. At K-7, Simril found facilities lacking and that the station was more of a deposit for incompetent Starfleet officers than a valuable resource to the Federation. His concerns increased over time, and after only two years he was ‘moved on’, to serve as Chief Science Officer for the newly instituted Haumea Colony.
Service Record 2361-2365: Cadet, Starfleet Academy
2364-2365: Science Specialist, USS Euphoria
2365-2368: Seismologist, USS Condor
2368-2370: Research Lead, Seismology Unit, Babbar Colony
2370-2372: Science Specialist, Mu Indi V
2372-2376: Lecturer in Seismology, Starfleet Academy
2376-2377: Visiting Professor in Seismology, Vulcan Science Academy
2377-2380: Research Lead, Seismology Unit, Menkalinan VI
2380-2381: Advisor, Starfleet SAR Division
2381-2383: Research Lead, Seismology Unit, N'Mane Colony
2383-2387: Chief Science Officer, Karru Station (above Omicron Pictoris Prime)
2387-2393: Assistant Chief Science Officer, USS Yukon
2393-2395: Chief Science Officer, Deep Space Station K-7

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