Haumea Colony

A Play-by-Nova roleplay game.

Lieutenant Jackson Parks

Name Jackson Parks

Position Chief Microbiologist

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 175 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Jackson is very well built for his height, being quite muscular and toned. He typically wears his hair cut short and sports facial hair in a trimmed and stylish fashion.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Willard Parks
Mother Glenda Parks
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Maximus Sanchez - Maternal Uncle

Personality & Traits

General Overview
Jackson is a generally outgoing person. Always happy to start up a conversation about almost anything with anybody, Jackson is never one to be without something to do. Having an interest in everything makes activity finding much easier. Though he doesn't have a problem working with or platonically talking with women, he's had little success in forming that sort of relationship. He tends to let his work take the center seat, which for someone single is great.
Strengths & Weaknesses Academic Proficiencies:
:: Specialist - Microbiology
:: Specialist - Astrophysics
:: Working Knowledge - Geology
:: Working Knowledge - Meteorology

+ Strong work ethic
+ Effective team player, both as a leader and not
+ Physically fit, almost to the extreme
+ Above proficiency in hand to hand combat

- A lousy shot
- Sometimes overthinks things
Ambitions Jackson's sole goal in life (other than the obvious explore the galaxy) is to continue to work on his working knowledge of the universe. His life is one gigantic learning experience, and he plans to give in to the draw of the knowledge!
Hobbies & Interests Mysteries, holonovels, working out, studying scientific disciplines that he is not totally familiar with.

Personal History Jackson was born to Willard and Glenda Parks on March 4, 2363. At the time, the family lived in Pasadena, California, where his mother worked as a civilian nurse in a nearby hospital. His father was an archaeologist, taking many trips to the furthest reaches of the quadrant. Unfortunately, with his father gone so much, Jax didn't really get to have much of a relationship with his father, and it also took its toll on his mother, who, when Jax was five, chose to divorce Willard. Of course, it didn't necessarily affect Jax directly since he was so young, but the effects were certainly harsh on his mother, who threw herself into her work. Due to this, Jax learned self-reliance.

In his early years, Jax fared well at school. His interests were in math and the sciences, but he did well in just about everything he got into. He wasn't genius level by any means, but with some fortitude and elbow grease, he got through just about everything. At school, he wasn't overly popular, but he had a fair amount of friends at school in different social groups. He learned to mingle at an early age.

When he was fifteen, his mother married a restaurant owner named Ralph. This brough the spark of joy back into his mother's life and drastically changed Jax's own demeanor. For so long, he'd been the strong one, doing as much as he could around the house, doing the best he could in school. When they moved into his house in Glendale, Jax found that he actually had time to relax, and he made the most of it. His favorite pass time was reading mystery novels. His maternal Uncle, Maximus, was a Security Officer for Starfleet Security in San Fransisco. Uncle Max was Jax's inspiration and role model, which would decide his future when he graduated, which he did in 2381. Upon graduation, Jax decided that he wanted to follow in his Uncle's footsteps and become a Starfleet officer. The idea of venturing into the unknown by being on a starship was utterly fascinating. Jax was always on point when it came to his interests.

Though scholastically, Jackson technically wasn't a gifted individual, his bright qualities were that he had a very strong work ethic, which benefitted him very well, and once he'd committed something to memory, he didn't forget it. As was expected of his high school curriculum, Jax studied math all four years, as well as literature and language. Science was a unique experience for him. He'd found that he had quite an aptitude for it and with that aptitude came a great interest. Not only did he follow the curriculum as directed by his school, he spent much of his elective time diving into more specific disciplines. Two in particular caught his interest. The first was astrophysics. Looking up at the stars and wondering how it all worked fascinated Jax. The second was microbiology. The thought of something so small having such a profound impact on life amazed him. The fact was, Jackson was totally intrigued by the unknown.

Being a Federation citizen, Jax was almost given a shot at applying for the academy. Though that privilege was something many took for granted, Jax wanted to make sure he had the best chance to succeed and took his application time seriously. He gained the support of his uncle's commanding officer by use of a recommendation letter after he had met with the man. Captain Lisbon offered an opportunity to participate in the Starfleet Science Internship during his senior year. It was a fascinating experience where Jax was given first hand accounts of actual science work being done by Starfleet. This experience only solidified his decision to try and join Starfleet. The application process was relatively straightforward. He passed the psycological portion, with notes of "Parks has a good head on his shoulders and is curious." The academic examination portion was what Jax was mostly worried about, even though he spent a lot of time preparing for it. He was of course pleased with the outcome, placing in the top ten percent of those accepted. Evidently that was typical for upcoming science majors, who made up a fair portion of the top ten percent.

After acceptance, Jax went through arguably the most difficult challenge of his life: basic training. He wasn't by any means totally unfit, but he wasn't overly active physically either. His six weeks in basic training challenged his body to the core and busted his extremes to even further heights. Team building and resourcefulness were in his favor, where strength and stamina were areas where improvement was sorely needed. Thankfully, he did improve (drastically) and passed training. On a more lightened note, he also gained a new hobby: working out. He found it calmed his mind and helped him to focus. And all the better physically too.

His first year at the academy went about as one would expect. Jax spent most of his time working on the core classes all cadets had to take: Starship operations, basic LCARS programming, math and physics concepts. One thing that set his experience apart from the average cadet was that he took an extra class, allowing him more time to spend with his academics. Most would think that he was trying to graduate early, but that was not his purpose. His intention was to gain as much of a guided basis in as many scientific fields as he could. After all, he was trying to become the best science officer!

His second year was quite a bit more focused when it came to his disciplines. He chose to make his specialties astrophysics and microbiology, two of his strongest interests growing up, and began the coursework involved in the two. As expected, he was rather excited about his specialties and hit the ground running. Academically, he'd spent his fair share of time studying Microbiology and Astrophysics, easily his favorite subjects. He'd also finished his core coursework as well, effectively preparing him for basic duty as a Starfleet Officer.

In his third and fourth years, he continued his education in the fields of Microbiology and Astrophysics, but also took a few courses to gain an understanding of some other subjects as well, namely Geology and Meteorology. Though he didn't study them to the depth as he did his specializations, he gain a working knowledge of the subjects and planned to continue his study in his spare time. During the latter part of his fourth year, he was assigned to the USS Tifton for his cadet cruise. During the two month stint, he spent most of his time as a junior science officer, focusing in his specializations, but during the final week of the first month and the second week of the second month, he served as assistant Chief Science Officer and Chief Science Officer, respectively. This gave him some active leadership experience that would one day help him become a better officer.
Service Record USS Nevada - May 2385 - September 2388
Position: Science Officer, Microbiologist/Astrophysicist, Team Leader

Starbase 255 - September 2388 - August 2389
Science Officer for Project Lutarch

USS Firehawk - August 2389 - January 2393
Position: Senior Science Officer, Assistant Chief Science Officer, Chief Science Officer

LOA - January 2393 - July 2393

Starfleet Academy - July 2393 - Present
Instructor: Astrophysics

Haumea Colony - Present

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