Haumea Colony

A Play-by-Nova roleplay game.

Lieutenant JG Brenton Risque

Name Brenton Risque

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 29
Sexuality cishet

Physical Appearance

Height 6'4"
Weight 229
Hair Color Brown/gray
Eye Color gray
Physical Description Fit as per daily regime of working out. Height/Weight appropriate. Closed cut brownish hair turning prematurely gray. Close shaved facial hair and mustache.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Edward Lee Risque
Mother Jacelin Spencer Risque (Bowling)
Brother(s) Levi David Risque
Sister(s) Rebecca Lin Jacobsen (Risque)
Other Family none of note

Personality & Traits

General Overview Brenton is a pretty typical guy. Perhaps not an expert at it but Brent has found that he can fit, fairly well, into any situation he finds himself in. He is relatively well read, both fiction and non. He enjoys listening to music and talking to people. Reading and physical fitness are important to him personally. People that are too emotional and not logical torque him when he has to deal with them. Brent is not really afraid of anything, he does however worry about not having sex in a long enough time frame that his hymen grows back (ha, ha). The only thing that motivates Brent is Brent himself. Fortunately he was brought up well enough that doing a job to the best of his ability is how he operates. Otherwise he would be lying on a beach somewhere in between surfing lessons.
Strengths & Weaknesses Brenton's intelligence is his greatest strength and biggest weakness. His desiree to learn proves difficult to slow down or turn off.
Ambitions Brenton wants to experiene things few others have experienced. Learn things that few others have been exposed too. Help others to join these types of sorties with him.
Hobbies & Interests Brenton has probably the largest collection of music from the late twentieth century of Earth's history. 80's music just seemed to strike a chord with him when he was little. Now at work or play you will often hear Billy Joel or The Kinks whenever he can listen to music. He also is intensely interested in his profession. Xeno-Archaeology is what he likes to do most when not trying to relax. The search for new species to catalogue is never ending, neither is Brent.

Personal History Brent grew up in a typical mid twenty-fourth century rural community. Electric powered cars, satellite entertainment, personal digital assistants and the usual small collection of friends since grade school.

He knew at an early age that he wanted to keep learning. Creeks and streams were the usual places to find Brent growing up when he wasn't in school. He would spend hours at a time with a small net flipping over rocks and catching whatever was underneath them. When he was thirteen he discovered an undescribed species of caddisfly, which now bears his name, Brentsianna Hydropsyche.

This desire propelled him through his formative and college years, finally landing him a fellowship at the Starfleet Academy. At the Academy he was always willing to go out if something needed to be done. Collecting samples, routine maintenance whatever was necessary Brent was willing to do. He is an information junky. Always willing to do new things or things he's not all that versed at. He now has pushed himself to the point of wanting to learn about life on another planet. Brent initiallyy started working on his Doctorate at the Daystrom Inistitute but in his second year the pull of a Starfleet Xeno appointed proved more alluring. After serving on the Orphinias Colony his is now applying to the Haumea Colony.
Service Record 2367-2369 Independence High School, WV
2369-2374 Concord University, WV
2374-2378 Starfleeet Academy
2378-2381 Daystrom Institue, Okinawa Japan
2381-present Ophinias Colony

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